Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Planning and Setup Guide


7.1.5 File format for importing with the jamimport command

This section describes the formats of data files and data files definition files.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Data files
(2) Data files definition file

(1) Data files

To import into the asset management database using the jamimport command, you must create data files containing the asset information. The following describes the supported data file format, character encoding, delimiters, and the location of delimiters:

(2) Data files definition file

To import multiple data files in a batch operation, create a data files definition file. The following describes the supported data files definition file format, character encoding, delimiters, and the location of delimiters:

The figure below shows how to specify delimiters and their locations.

Figure 7-1 Specifying delimiters and their locations
