Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Planning and Setup Guide


5.3.2 Setting Database Information

Database Information specifies information such as the login ID and service name to be used to connect to the asset management database.

This section describes the settings for Database Information.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Login ID
(2) Service name
(3) Number of concurrent connections
(4) Number of connections for search
(5) Case sensitivity in LIKE searches (Embedded RDB)

(1) Login ID

Login ID specifies the login ID of the user who will be connecting to the database. For details about creating a database field, see 5.4 Creating an asset management database.

In the Set Password dialog box, set the password.

This setting is mandatory.

This value is applied to Connection user ID in the dialog boxes listed below. If you change the value after creating a new asset management database, re-create the data source or net service.

(2) Service name

Service name specifies the service name for asset management.

Specification of this item is mandatory.

This value is applied to ODBC data source name and Net service name in the dialog boxes listed below. If you change the value after creating a new asset management database, re-create the data source or net service.

(3) Number of concurrent connections

Number of concurrent connections specifies the number of connections that can be established with the database at the same time.

Specification of this item is optional.

(4) Number of connections for search

Number of connections for search specifies the number of concurrent connections that can be established by transactions that use the database for an extended period of time. By specifying this setting, you can prevent the database from being locked by a long-running transaction such as a search request.

Specification of this item is optional.

(5) Case sensitivity in LIKE searches (Embedded RDB)

Case sensitivity in LIKE searches (Embedded RDB) specifies whether the search is to be case-sensitive when Embedded RDB is used to search for a partial match, including a leading or trailing match.