Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Planning and Setup Guide


1.1 Design flow

The figure below shows the flow of designing an asset management system that uses Asset Information Manager.

Figure 1-1 Design flow


  1. Investigate and decide which jobs (work) you wish to execute using Asset Information Manager.
    Investigate and decide what is to be managed and the types of information to be managed according to the work. Additionally, decide whether executing the target jobs requires linkage with other program products.
  2. Investigate and decide how the asset management system is to be operated.
    Investigate and decide how the daily operations will be carried out, including the access permissions, the asset information acquisition method, and the need for email notification.
  3. Investigate and decide the system configuration.
    Based on the decisions reached in steps 1 and 2, determine the programs needed and their positioning in the system.