Job Management Partner 1/File Transmission Server/FTP Description, Reference and Operator's Guide


Appendix B.3 Items to check when performing transmission via a firewall

We recommend that you check the following when you perform file transmission via a firewall:

  1. Check whether the firewall can pass the FTP protocol.
    • YES -> 2
    • NO -> Use a firewall that can pass the FTP protocol (evaluate this change).
  2. Check whether the OS's default FTP is also to be used.
    • YES -> 3
    • NO -> Change ftssdata and ftss to the port numbers used for normal FTP:
      ftssdata: 20/TCP
      ftss: 21/TCP
  3. Check whether the firewall settings allow addition of FTP ports.
    • YES -> Set the firewall in such a manner that ftssdata and ftss can be used as FTP ports.
    • NO -> If the default FTP is also used, JP1/FTP cannot be used.

The Operations-Manager function cannot be used via a firewall.



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