Job Management Partner 1/File Transmission Server/FTP Description, Reference and Operator's Guide


Details of functions

Call the functions from a user program in the following order:

  1. Establish connection with JP1/FTP by calling fts_ftp_open().
  2. Set the transmission information in the transmission information structure and then call fts_ftp_syn_request_ex() (synchronous) or fts_ftp_asyn_request_ex() (asynchronous) to register transmissions. If you use fts_ftp_syn_request_ex(), you can obtain the result of each transmission upon termination of the function.
  3. If you call fts_ftp_asyn_request_ex() in step 2, you can obtain transmission results by calling fts_ftp_event_ex().
  4. You can cancel the current transmission (server or client) by calling fts_ftp_cancel(). This does not require connection establishment with JP1/FTP.
  5. Release connection with JP1/FTP by calling fts_ftp_close().

The details of the functions provided in the following sections describe individual functions in the order they are called.



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