Job Management Partner 1/File Transmission Server/FTP Description, Reference and Operator's Guide


4.1.1 Adding managed hosts

You use the Operations-Manager Console to set the hosts that are to be managed.

To add managed hosts:

  1. At the Operations-Manager Console, from the Edit menu, choose Host List.
    The Define Managed Hosts dialog box appears.

    Figure 4-2 The Define Managed Hosts dialog box


  2. Specify the address and display name, separated by a comma, of a managed host that is to be added.

    Specifies the host name defined in the system definition (host name specified in OS-installation-directory\system32\drivers\etc\hosts) or the IP address.
    This item is mandatory.

    name-to-display ((0 to 15-byte character string))
    Specifies a name to be displayed for the managed host on the Operations-Manager Console window.
    This item is optional. If it is omitted, the specified host address is displayed.

    Specifies the port number of the managed host.
    Specification of a port number is optional. If it is omitted, the port number of the local host in ftsagent is assumed.

    When the host address or name to be displayed contains a comma (,) or double-quotation mark (")
    Enclose the entire host address or name to be displayed in double-quotation marks (").
    Example: Specifying aaa,bbb as the name to be displayed: myhost,"aaa,bbb",20252
    Example: Specifying aaa"bbb as the name to be displayed: myhost,"aaa""bbb",20252
  3. Repeat step 2 for each additional host that is to be registered.
  4. Click Change.
    The specified host names are displayed in the tree window.



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