Job Management Partner 1/File Transmission Server/FTP Description, Reference and Operator's Guide


3.7.2 Recovering definition information

To recover saved definition information, you can use the Saving and Recovering Settings dialog box or you can execute a command.

Note that definition information saved using the IPF version cannot be recovered using a non-IPF version.

Conversely, definition information saved using a non-IPF version cannot be recovered using the IPF version.

You must select one of the following formats for recovering definition information:

In the event of a failure during recovery processing
If a failure occurs during recovery processing, the definition information is not recovered. We recommend that you always save the existing settings before you perform recovery with Delete settings at destination specified.

About the log information directory during recovery of an environment definition
The log information directory specified in the environment definition is not created automatically. If you are using a non-default log information directory, use the Environment Definition utility to update the environment definition. Without this directory, you will not be able to start various JP1/FTP services.
Organization of this subsection
(1) Using the Saving and Recovering Settings dialog box
(2) Using the ftsload command

(1) Using the Saving and Recovering Settings dialog box

To recover settings:

  1. In the Saving and Recovering Settings dialog box, click Recover.
    A dialog box for selecting the file to recover is displayed.
  2. Specify the file to be recovered, and then click Open.
    The Select Settings For Recovery dialog box is displayed.

    Figure 3-21 Select Settings For Recovery dialog box


  3. Select the boxes for the types of settings recover, and then select the radio button for the recovery method to use.
  4. Click OK.
    A message is displayed.
  5. Click OK.
  6. In the Saving and Recovering Settings dialog box, click Close.

The following table lists and describes each setting item in the Select Settings For Recovery dialog box.

Table 3-9 Setting items in the Select Settings For Recovery dialog box

Item Setting
Settings to be recovered Selects the types of settings to be recovered:
  • Environment settings
    Recovers information that was set by the Environment Definition utility.
  • User-to-login settings
    Recovers information that was specified when login users were registered.
  • Auto-start program settings
    Recovers information that was specified when auto-start programs were registered.
  • Transmission settings
    Recovers information that was registered when transmissions were registered and executed.
Recovery method Specifies whether to delete the existing settings.
  • Do not delete settings at destination
    Recovers settings in the saved definition file without deleting the existing settings at the destination.
    If the destination contains key information identical to that given below, the settings at the destination are updated to those in the saved file. If the destination does not contain the same key information, the settings in the saved file are added.
    The keys are as follows:
    Environment settings: All environment settings become a single key.
    User-to-login settings: User name
    Auto-start program settings: File name, directory name
    Transmission settings: Card name
  • Delete settings at destination
    Deletes the settings at the destination and then recovers the information in the saved file. Because the information in the saved file becomes the settings, no unneeded settings information remains. The existing settings are deleted one at a time after being checked. Note that environment settings will not be deleted. When user information is deleted, any associated auto-start program settings are also deleted.
Comment Displays the comment that was specified when the settings were saved.

(2) Using the ftsload command

The following figure shows an example of a command for recovering saved definition information:


This example recovers all definition information (environment settings, user-to-login settings, auto-start program settings, and transmission settings) without deleting the existing settings at the destination. You can also select specific types of settings to recover, and you can specify to delete the existing settings.

For details about the ftsload command, see ftsload - recovers definition information in 6. Commands.



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