Job Management Partner 1/File Transmission Server/FTP Description, Reference and Operator's Guide


3.6.3 Changing the log file that is displayed

You can specify to have a different log file displayed in the event of a failure.

Note that log files for the IPF version of JP1/FTP cannot be displayed by a non-IPF version of JP1/FTP.

Conversely, log files for a non-IPF version of JP1/FTP cannot be displayed by the IPF version of JP1/FTP.

To load a different log file in the event of a failure:

  1. In the Log Information window, from the File menu, choose Specify Log File.
    A dialog box for loading a log file is displayed.
  2. Specify the log file to be loaded and then click Open.
    The specified log file is loaded.

    To return to the current log file, from the File menu, choose Current Log File.



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