Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide


16.3.13 Create Color / Change Color dialog box

The Create Color (Change Color) dialog box additionally creates the colors indicating object statuses. This dialog box can create colors other than the colors (basic colors) provided by JP1/AJS3 Console View. The Create Color dialog box creates a new color. The Change Color dialog box edits a created color. Clicking the Add button or Edit button from the Select Color dialog box displays the Change Color dialog box.

The following figure shows the Create Color dialog box.

Figure 16-22 Create Color dialog box


The following explains the display items of the Create Color (Change Color) dialog box.

Specify a color name using a character string of up to 20 bytes. In the Create Color dialog box, the default is blank. In the Change Color dialog box, the default is the pre-editing color name.
You cannot specify the following single-byte characters:
  • , (comma)
  • : (colon)
  • ; (semicolon)
  • =
  • /

Supplementary note
If you specify a single-byte space in Name, JP1/AJS3 Console View treats it as follows:
  • If you specify a single-byte space between character strings, recognizes the space as a blank character ([Figure] is a single-byte space).
    Example: "LEMON[Figure]YELLOW" [Figure] "LEMON[Figure]YELLOW"
  • If you specify a single-byte space before or after a character string, ignores the space.
    Example: "[Figure]BLUE[Figure]" [Figure] "BLUE"
  • If you specify only single-byte spaces, treats the spaces as 0 bytes, resulting in an error.
    Example: "[Figure] [Figure] [Figure] [Figure]" [Figure] " "

Set RGB elements.

Basic color
Select Basic color when you create a new color by referencing the basic colors provided by JP1/AJS3 Console View. The default is None.

R, G, B
For each of R (red), G (green), and B (blue), set a value from 0 to 255.
In the Create Color dialog box (when you create a new color), the default is 255 for R, G, and B. In the Change Color dialog box (when you change an existing color), the default is the pre-editing RGB values. If you select colors in Basic color, the RGB values of the selected colors are displayed.

Displays the samples of the colors specified in R, G, and B.
In the Create Color dialog box (when you create a new color), the default is white. In the Change Color dialog box (when you change an existing color), the default is the pre-editing color image. If you select a color in Basic color, the color image of the selected color is displayed.

Cautionary notes
  • You can create up to 50 colors.
  • You cannot create a color having the same RGB elements as any basic color.
  • You cannot create a color having the same name as any basic color.
  • You cannot create multiple colors having the same RGB elements.
  • You cannot create multiple colors having the same name.

Supplementary note
The following table lists the default RGB elements of basic colors.

Table 16-8 Default RGB elements of basic colors

Basic color RGB value
("red value : green value : blue value" format)
Sky blue 0 : 255 : 255
Yellow 255 : 255 : 0
Green 0 : 128 : 0
Light green 0 : 255 : 0
Red 224 : 0 : 0
Light red 255 : 64 : 64
Brown 128 : 0 : 0
Orange 255 : 128 : 0
Dark orange 255 : 96 : 64
Pink 255 : 176 : 208
Dark pink 255 : 128 : 160
Gray 128 : 128 : 128
Dark gray 64 : 64 : 64
None 255 : 255 : 255



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