Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide


15.7.4 Change Delay Monitor Temporarily dialog box

The Change Delay Monitor Temporarily dialog box sets how to monitor a jobnet delay. The following figure shows the Change Delay Monitor Temporarily dialog box.

Figure 15-178 Change Delay Monitor Temporarily dialog box


The following explains the displayed items.

Jobnet name
Displays the name of the jobnet whose delay monitor method is to be changed.

Base time
Displays the base time for the job group containing the jobnet.

Scheduled start time
Displays the scheduled start time of the specified jobnet.

Scheduled end time
Displays the scheduled end time of the specified jobnet.

Delayed start
Specify this when monitoring the delayed start of the jobnet. The default is the previously set monitoring method. The monitoring method you can specify is different between the root jobnet and a nested jobnet. You can select one of the following items:
  • Do not monitor
    Does not monitor the delayed start.
  • Absolute time
    Specify the absolute time when the monitoring of the delayed start is started.
    You can set 0 to 47 for the value of hours and 0 to 59 for the value of minutes. By default, the hours before change and the minutes before change are applicable.
  • Relative from start of root jobnet
    Specify the relative time from the scheduled start time of the root jobnet for the specified jobnet.
    Note that the relative time is when the monitoring of delay is started.
    For the root jobnet, you cannot specify this item
  • Relative from start of upper-l jobnet
    Specify the relative time from the scheduled start time of the upper-level jobnet for the specified jobnet.
    Note that the relative time is when the monitoring of delay is started.
    For the root jobnet, you cannot specify this item
  • Relative from start of the jobnet
    Specify the minutes since the scheduled start time of the specified jobnet passed until the monitoring of delay is started.
    You can set 1 to 2,879 for the value of minutes. By default, the minutes before change are applicable.

Delayed end
Specify this when monitoring the delayed end of the jobnet. The default is the previously set monitoring method. You can specify one of the following monitoring methods.
  • Do not monitor
    Does not monitor the delayed end.
  • Absolute time
    Specify the absolute time when the monitoring of the delayed end is started.
    You can set 0 to 47 for the value of hours and 0 to 59 for the value of minutes. By default, the hours before change and the minutes before change are applicable.
  • Relative from end of root jobnet
    Specify the relative time from the scheduled end time of the root jobnet for the specified jobnet.
    Note that the relative time is when the monitoring for a delay starts.
    For the root jobnet, you cannot specify this item
  • Relative from end of upper-l jobnet
    Specify the relative time from the scheduled end time of the upper-level jobnet for the specified jobnet.
    Note that the relative time is when the monitoring for a delay starts.
    For the root jobnet, you cannot specify this item
  • Relative from end of the jobnet
    Specify the minutes since the scheduled end time of the specified jobnet passed until the monitoring for a delay starts.
    You can set 1 to 2,879 for the value of minutes. By default, the minutes before change are applicable.

Monitoring jobnet
When using jobnet execution time to monitor the end of the jobnet, select Time-required-for-execution and specify the time required for execution for the jobnet in minutes. You can specify 1 to 2,879. By default, the contents defined in the Define Details dialog box appear.



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