Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide


15.7.2 Menu commands

The following table lists the menu commands the Daily Schedule window supports.

Table 15-37 Menu commands the Daily Schedule window supports

Menu Menu command Description Dialog box displayed
File Close Closes the Daily Schedule window. --
Edit Jobnet Editor Displays the Jobnet Editor window. --
Operations Register for Execution#1
  • Registers the jobnet selected in the tree area for execution.
  • You can select this only in the Daily Schedule [Hierarchy] window.

  • Register for Execution
  • Passing Information
  • Register Passing Information
  • Variables Used
Cancel Registration#1
  • Cancels the execution of the jobnet selected in the tree area during a specified period.
  • You can select this only in the Daily Schedule [Hierarchy] window.
Cancel Registration
  • For a root jobnet, adds an execution schedule at the selected time.
  • For a nested jobnet or job, adds a non-execution schedule at the selected time.
  • You can select this only in the Daily Schedule [Hierarchy] window.

  • Add
  • Passing Information
  • Register Passing Information
  • Variables Used
Change Plan - Change Time
  • Changes the scheduled start date and time for the selected jobnet.
  • You can select this only in the Daily Schedule [Hierarchy] window.
Shift Schedule Date and Time
Change Plan - Execute Immediately
  • Pushes ahead the next execution schedule or fixed execution schedule.
  • You can select this only in the Daily Schedule [Hierarchy] window.
Immediate Execution
Change Plan - Execution Prohibited Cancels the next execution schedule or fixed execution schedule. --
Change Plan - Release Change
  • Cancels the date and time change or execution cancellation of the next execution schedule of a jobnet registered for planned execution, or the execution schedule of a jobnet registered for fixed execution.
  • You can select this only in the Daily Schedule [Hierarchy] window.
Change Hold Attribute - Hold Sets a hold attribute for a selected schedule. --
Change Hold Attribute - Hold-Release Releases the hold attribute set for a schedule. --
Change Delay Monitor
  • Changes how to monitor for a jobnet delay.
  • You can select this only in the Daily Schedule [Hierarchy] window.
Change Delay Monitor Temporarily
Change Priority
  • Changes the priority of a jobnet.
  • You can select this only in the Daily Schedule [Hierarchy] window.
Change Priority
  • Interrupts jobnet execution.
  • You can select this only in the Daily Schedule [Hierarchy] window.
Kill Kills the root jobnet or job execution. --
Rerun Reruns a jobnet or job. Rerun
Change Job Status Changes the job status and return code. Change Job Status
Change Execution Order Method - Synchro
  • Temporarily changes the execution order control method for the connection-destination jobnet to Synchro. This operation can be performed for the generations of the connection-destination jobnet.
  • Displayed only in the Daily Schedule [Hierarchy] window.
Change Execution Order Method - Asynchro
  • Temporarily changes the execution order control method for the connection-destination jobnet to Asynchro. This operation can be performed for the generations of the connection-destination jobnet.
  • Displayed only in the Daily Schedule [Hierarchy] window.
View Detailed Information Displays detailed schedule information on a jobnet or job. Detailed Schedule
Resize Resizes the date and schedule areas, and changes display hours in the schedule area. Resize
Change Display Date - Next Day Displays schedule information for the next day. --
Change Display Date - Today Displays schedule information for today. --
Change Display Date - Previous Day Displays schedule information for the previous day. --
Change Display Date - Specify Day Displays schedule information for a specified day. Change Display Date
Cancel#3 Cancels the display update processing for schedule information. --
Display Order - Name Displays the unit names in the tree area in ascending order for the unit name. --
Display Order - Execution Time Starting with the oldest date of execution start shown in the screen, the unit names in the tree area are displayed in ascending order. --
Daily Schedule - All Jobs or Hierarchy Displays the Daily Schedule [All Jobs] or [Hierarchy] window. --
Monthly Schedule Displays the Monthly Schedule window. --
Jobnet Monitor Displays the jobnets, or jobs selected in the execution result list, in the Jobnet Monitor window. --
Jobnet for Destination - Daily Schedule (Hierarchy)#4
  • Displays the connection-destination jobnet in the Daily Schedule [Hierarchy] window.
  • Displayed only in the Daily Schedule [Hierarchy] window.
Jobnet for Destination - Daily Schedule (All Jobs)#4
  • Displays the connection-destination jobnet in the Daily Schedule [All Jobs] window.
  • Displayed only in the Daily Schedule [Hierarchy] window.
Jobnet for Destination - Monthly Schedule#4
  • Displays the connection-destination jobnet in the Monthly Schedule window.
  • Displayed only in the Daily Schedule [Hierarchy] window.
Jobnet for Destination - Jobnet Monitor#4
  • Displays the connection-destination jobnet in the Jobnet Monitor window.
  • Displayed only in the Daily Schedule [Hierarchy] window.
Inherit Result Displays the resolution result of macro variables that the unit uses in the definition item. Inherit Result
List Filter Enables or disables the list filter function. --
Refresh Refreshes information in the schedule area and the execution result list. --
Options Preferences Sets up an operating environment for JP1/AJS3 - View.
  • Preferences
  • Set Function Menu
  • Select Color
  • Create Color/Change Color
Display Item Setup Sets the item to be displayed in the list area of the window. Display Item Setup
Set Refresh Interval Sets a time interval to refresh information in the schedule area and the execution result list. Refresh Interval
Filter Selects the status of the units to be displayed in the schedule area and execution result list. Filter Settings
Save Csv Unit Data Saves the information selected in the execution result list on the system clipboard in CSV format. --
Set Tools
  • Lets you register a tool to be activated from View.
  • Lets you activate a registered tool on the View host.

  • Tool Settings
  • Tool Entry
Help Help Contents The Web browser starts, displaying the contents of the online help. --
About JP1/AJS3 - View Displays the version number of JP1/AJS3 - View. --

-- : Not displayed.

Available only when a root jobnet is selected. Otherwise, it will result in an error.

It will result in an error if a planning group or a jobnet immediately below the planning group is selected.

This item is not displayed when the version of the connection target JP1/AJS2 - Manager is 08-50 or earlier, or the scheduler database for the connection target JP1/AJS3 - Manager is ISAM.

If the host of a jobnet connector and the host of a connection-destination jobnet are managed by different authentication servers, login is required.



Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, Hitachi, Ltd.
Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, Hitachi Solutions, Ltd.