Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide


11.7.3 Specifying the settings regarding the display of unit names and comments in the map area

You can specify the number of characters after which a linefeed is inserted in a unit name when displaying the icon of a unit in the map area of the Jobnet Monitor window. In addition, you can specify whether to display comments under unit names.

If you want to display a comment under a unit name, specify the number of characters starting from the beginning in a comment. Only the specified number of characters is allowed in a comment.

If you do not want to display a particular comment, insert text at the beginning of the comment for identification purposes so that comment will not be displayed in the map area.

Specify from:
The Editor/Monitor page of the Preferences dialog box


To specify the settings related to the display of unit names and comments:

  1. In the Jobnet Monitor window, choose Options and then Preferences.
    The Preferences dialog box appears.
  2. In the Preferences dialog box, choose the Editor/Monitor page.
    The Editor/Monitor page of the Preferences dialog box appears.
  3. In Map area, specify the following items:
    • Unit name new line
      Specify whether to specify position of line breaks for unit names when unit icons are displayed in the map area.
    • Characters per line
      Specify the number of characters after which you a line break is to be inserted for a unit name when you choose Selected in Unit name new line.
    • Display comments
      Specify whether to display comments under unit names.
    • Displayed characters
      Specify the number of characters (not the number of bytes) in a comment, starting from the beginning of the comment, when comments will be displayed under unit names.
    • New line character
      When displaying the comment under the unit name, specify the position of a return in the comment by a character. Select the character for New line character.
    • Hide comment when
      If you do not want to display a comment under some units, specify a symbol to be included at the beginning of the comment you do not want to display. For the symbol, select a character from the list box.
  4. Click the OK button.
    The Preferences dialog box closes. The settings take effect when the information is updated.



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Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, Hitachi Solutions, Ltd.