Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide


11.3.11 Changing icon images

You can change the current icons in a window to one of the following sets:

Note that version-8 icons and version-9 icons have the same design.

Specify from:
A JP1/AJS3 - View file
For details, see 11.1.1 Individual-user customization.

Use the following format:

jajsIconImageDirectory={AllBackground | V6Icon | V7Icon | user-specified} (return)

When AllBackground is specified
The entire background of an icon is the area displayed with a color that indicates the unit status or delay. The icon design is almost the same as that in version 6. In version 6, the bottom half of the background is the area displayed with a color that indicates the unit status or delay. When AllBackground is specified, this area is extended to become the entire background. The following lists exceptions:
  • In the Jobnet Editor window, the entire background of icons in the icon list and map area is gray.
  • For Unix jobs, PC jobs, and QUEUE jobs, the entire background of icons cannot be displayed with the display colors to represent the execution schedule, result, and delay statuses due to design of the icons.

When V6Icon is specified
Icons in version 6 are displayed.

When V7Icon is specified
Icons in version 7 are displayed.

When user-specified is specified
Specify the folder that contains user-created image files.
The user-created image files are used for displaying icons. The icons for which user-created image files have not been prepared are displayed as icons in version 9. For details on how to create an image file, see 11.12.2 How to create an icon image.

Supplementary notes
  • The following items are displayed as images in version 9, regardless of the specification:
    - Splash window image
    - Login dialog image
    - Version information dialog image
    - Message box image (images for information, warnings, and errors)
    - Program icons and icons displayed in window title bars
    - Icons on the tool bar of the Jobnet Editor window (such as the Make Relation button).
    - Icons in the function menu area of the JP1/AJS3 - View window
  • When you perform this customization, the icon images change in the following windows:
    - JP1/AJS3 - View window (Main window)
    - JP1/AJS3 - View window (Summary Monitor window)
    - Jobnet Editor window
    - Jobnet Monitor window
    - Daily Schedule window
    - Monthly Schedule window
    - Search window



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Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, Hitachi Solutions, Ltd.