Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide 1


Appendix B.1 Estimating the amount of required database area

In JP1/AJS3, a database can be created as a large-scale, medium-scale, or small-scale database. When JP1/AJS3 is installed, a small-scale database is created. You can change the scale of a database by performing an advanced setup of the embedded database.

The embedded-database environment must be set up for each physical host and for each logical host. If you use multiple scheduler services on the same physical or logical host, the scheduler services can share one embedded database environment.

The following table describes the database models that can be specified during setup of the embedded-database environment. Make sure that the disk has extra free space, because some file systems require more disk space than described in the table.

Table B-1 Database models that can be specified during setup of the embedded-database environment

Scale Purpose
Large Total number of units: About 48,000 to 240,000
Number of jobs and jobnets executed per day: 30,000 to 120,000
Disk space guideline: About 20,700 MB
(data area: about 6,700 MB, system area: about 14,000 MB)
Medium Total number of units: About 5,000 to 48,000
Number of jobs and jobnets executed per day: 5,000 to 30,000
Disk space guideline: About 4,200 MB
(data area: about 1,400 MB, system area: about 2,800 MB)
Small Total number of units: About 5,000 or fewer
Number of jobs and jobnets executed per day: 5,000 or fewer
Disk space guideline: About 520 MB
(data area: about 200 MB, system area: about 320 MB)

If the system area for the embedded database is duplexed during setup of the embedded-database environment, more disk space is required. The following table shows how much additional disk space is required.

Table B-2 Amount of additional disk space required for duplexing the system area for the embedded database

Scale Amount of additional disk space required
Large About 14,000 MB
Medium About 2,800 MB
Small About 320 MB

You can create the data area and system area for the embedded database in RAW files. For this purpose, the following two or three partitions are required:

The following table shows the partition sizes required for each scale. The database models in Table B-1 also apply to this table.

Table B-3 Required partition sizes

Scale Purpose
Large ajssys01: About 6,700 MB
ajssys11: About 14,000 MB
ajssys17: About 14,000 MB#
Medium ajssys01: About 1,400 MB
ajssys11: About 2,800 MB
ajssys17: About 2,800 MB#
Small ajssys01: About 200 MB
ajssys11: About 320 MB
ajssys17: About 320 MB#

This partition is required only if the system area for the embedded database is duplexed.

About the database auto-increment function:
If you use the database auto-increment function, the amount of allocated data area is automatically increased a little bit each time it becomes insufficient. The function can expand the data area to the maximum extent possible on the disk on which the data area is located. The files that can be expanded by this function are as follows:
  • The ajssys041 and ajssys042 files in the data area storage directory
  • The files created under the directory specified for the -d option in the ajsembdbaddarea command
Similarly, if you use the system log auto-increment function, the amount of allocated system area is also automatically increased a little bit each time it becomes insufficient. The system area can be expanded to three times the initial size.The files that can be expanded by this function are as follows:
  • The ajssys01101 to ajssys01112# files in the data area storage directory
  • The files created under the directory specified for the -d option in the ajsembdbaddlog command, for which sys is specified for the -r option

If system file area creation directories 1 and 2 are specified in the ajsembdbbuild command during advanced setup of an embedded database, the following files are expanded:
  • The ajssys01101 to ajssys01112 files in system file area creation directory 1
  • The ajssys01701 to ajssys01712 files in system file area creation directory 2



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Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, Hitachi Solutions, Ltd.