Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide 1


Appendix A.2 Installation and setup checklists (UNIX host)

This section provides the checklists for the installation and setup of JP1/AJS3.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Checklist for JP1/AJS3 - Manager
(2) Checklist for JP1/AJS3 - Agent

(1) Checklist for JP1/AJS3 - Manager

The installation and setup checklist is given below.

Table A-4 Installation and setup checklist (for JP1/AJS3 - Manager)

Classification Work contents Base AJS3 Check
Installation Installing JP1/Base R --
Installing JP1/AJS3 - Manager -- R
Setting user information Setting up authentication servers O# --
Registering JP1 users O# --
Setting JP1 permission levels O# --
Setting user mapping information O# --
Setting up the scheduler service environment Specifying the necessary environment setting parameters -- O#
Setting up the job execution environment Specifying the necessary environment setting parameters -- O#
Setting up the event service environment Specifying the necessary environment setting parameters -- O#
Setting up the queueless job execution environment Specifying the necessary environment setting parameters -- O#
Setting up the JP1/AJS3 Console environment Setting up and changing the JP1/AJS3 Console Manager environment setup file (ajs2cm.conf) -- O#
Setting up the user environment Setting the search paths of commands and libraries -- O
Changing the login scripts -- O
Adjusting the kernel parameters -- O
Extending the trace log file -- O
Setting up other environments Setting up the concurrent start of scheduler services -- O
Setting up automatic start and termination of the JP1/AJS3 service -- O
Setting up the automatic reconfiguration function for ISAM files -- O
Limiting the JP1/AJS3 - Manager operation for registering and manipulating submitted jobs -- O
Setting up the suspend function -- O

Base: Work performed in JP1/Base
AJS3: Work performed in JP1/AJS3
R: Required work
O: Optional work
--: Not applicable

This work is not necessary when you intend to use all of the default values as is. Perform this work only if you need to change one of the default values.

(2) Checklist for JP1/AJS3 - Agent

The installation and setup checklist is given below.

Table A-5 Installation and setup checklist (for JP1/AJS3 - Agent)

Classification Work contents Base AJS3 Check
Installation Installing JP1/Base R --
Installing JP1/AJS3 - Agent -- R
Setting user information Registering JP1 users O# --
Setting JP1 permission levels O# --
Setting user mapping information O# --
Setting up the job execution environment Specifying the necessary environment setting parameters -- O#
Setting up the event service environment Specifying the necessary environment setting parameters -- O#
Setting up the queueless job execution environment Specifying the necessary environment setting parameters -- O#
Setting up the user environment Setting the search paths of commands and libraries -- O
Changing the login scripts -- O
Adjusting the kernel parameters -- O
Extending the trace log file -- O

Base: Work performed in JP1/Base
AJS3: Work performed in JP1/AJS3
R: Required work
O: Optional work
--: Not applicable

This work is not necessary when you intend to use all of the default values as is. Perform this work only if you need to change one of the default values.



Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, Hitachi, Ltd.
Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, Hitachi Solutions, Ltd.