Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide 1


16.2.6 Deleting logical hosts

If you want to delete a logical host, you must do so on both the primary and secondary nodes. The following describes how to delete a logical host.

Organization of this subsection
(1) JP1/AJS3 - Manager
(2) JP1/AJS3 - Agent
(3) Environment setting parameters

(1) JP1/AJS3 - Manager

To delete the JP1/AJS3 - Manager logical host:

  1. Execute the jajs_spmd_stop command to stop the JP1/AJS3 service.
    Stop all JP1/AJS3 services, including JP1/AJS3 - Manager on the physical host.
  2. Execute the ajsshmdel command to delete the information about the shared memory.
    The ajsshmdel command is located in /opt/jp1ajs2/bin/ajsshmdel.

    If the shell is sh, the command line is as follows:
    ajsshmdel >/dev/null 2>&1

    If the shell is csh, the command line is as follows:
    ajsshmdel >&/dev/null
  3. Uninstall the database environment set up on the logical host.
    Execute the ajsembdbuninstl command to uninstall the database environment set up on the logical host. If you delete the logical host without also uninstalling the database environment, you will be no longer able to uninstall the database environment. For details about the ajsembdbuninstl command, see ajsembdbuninstl in 2. Commands Used during Setup in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference 2.
    The command is executed in the following format:
    ajsembdbuninstl -mh logical-host-name
  4. Delete the logical host information from the common definition information.
    To do this, execute the jbsunsetcnf -i -h logical-host-name command of JP1/Base. For details about the jbsunsetcnf command, see the Job Management Partner 1/Base User's Guide.
    If you want to delete only the common definition information for JP1/AJS3 on logical hosts without deleting JP1/Base, execute the following commands to delete the information:
    jbsunsetcnf  -i -h logical-host-name -c JP1AJS2
    jbsunsetcnf  -i -h logical-host-name -c JP1NBQAGENT
    jbsunsetcnf  -i -h logical-host-name -c JP1NBQMANAGER
    jbsunsetcnf  -i -h logical-host-name -c JP1NBQCLIENT
    jbsunsetcnf  -i -h logical-host-name -c JP1NBQNOTIFY
    jbsunsetcnf  -i -h logical-host-name -c JP1AOMMANAGER
    jbsunsetcnf  -i -h logical-host-name -c JP1AOMAGENT
    jbsunsetcnf  -i -h logical-host-name -c JP1AJSMANAGER
    jbsunsetcnf  -i -h logical-host-name -c JP1AJS2COMMON
    jbsunsetcnf  -i -h logical-host-name -c JP1QLAGENT
    jbsunsetcnf  -i -h logical-host-name -c JP1AJS2CONSOLEMANAGER
    If no information has been set when you execute the above commands, the following message might appear. If the message appears, ignore it.
    KAVA0405-I The specified string-specified-in-the-c-option does not exist [logical-host-name]. Processing Stops.
  5. Delete the shared files and directories on the shared disk.
    When you execute the jbsunsetcnf command, the logical host information for JP1/Base, JP1/IM, and JP1/AJS3 is deleted. However, the shared files and shared directories on the shared disk are not deleted, and must be deleted manually.
  6. Change the common definition information on the JP1/AJS3 physical host so that cluster operation is not set.
    If you have deleted all logical hosts, change the common definition information on the JP1/AJS3 physical host so that cluster operation is not set.
    To do this, execute the following command to set the environment setting parameters described in (3) below.
    jajs_config -k definition-key "parameter-name"=value

    Cautionary note:
    The jajs_config command must be executed for each definition key.
  7. If the JP1_HOSTNAME environment variable has been set, delete it.

(2) JP1/AJS3 - Agent

To delete the JP1/AJS3 - Agent logical host:

  1. Execute the jajs_spmd_stop command to stop the JP1/AJS3 service.
    Stop all JP1/AJS3 services, including JP1/AJS3 - Agent on the physical host.
  2. Delete the logical host information from the common definition information.
    To do this, execute the jbsunsetcnf -i -h logical-host-name command of JP1/Base. For details about the jbsunsetcnf command, see the Job Management Partner 1/Base User's Guide.
    If you want to delete only the common definition information for JP1/AJS3 on logical hosts without deleting JP1/Base, execute the following commands to delete the information:
    jbsunsetcnf  -i -h logical-host-name -c JP1AJS2
    jbsunsetcnf  -i -h logical-host-name -c JP1NBQAGENT
    jbsunsetcnf  -i -h logical-host-name -c JP1NBQMANAGER
    jbsunsetcnf  -i -h logical-host-name -c JP1NBQCLIENT
    jbsunsetcnf  -i -h logical-host-name -c JP1NBQNOTIFY
    jbsunsetcnf  -i -h logical-host-name -c JP1AOMAGENT
    jbsunsetcnf  -i -h logical-host-name -c JP1AJS2COMMON
    jbsunsetcnf  -i -h logical-host-name -c JP1QLAGENT
    If no information has been set when you execute the above commands, the following message might appear. If the message appears, ignore it.
    KAVA0405-I The specified string-specified-in-the-c-option does not exist [logical-host-name]. Processing Stops.
  3. Delete the shared files and directories on the shared disk.
    When you execute the jbsunsetcnf command, the logical host information for JP1/Base, JP1/IM, and JP1/AJS3 is deleted. However, the shared files and shared directories on the shared disk are not deleted, and must be deleted manually.
  4. Change the common definition information on the JP1/AJS3 physical host so that cluster operation is not set.
    To do this, execute the following command to set the environment setting parameters described in (3) below.
    jajs_config -k definition-key "parameter-name"=value

    Cautionary note:
    The jajs_config command must be executed for each definition key.
  5. If the JP1_HOSTNAME environment variable has been set, delete it.

(3) Environment setting parameters

Table 16-3 Environment setting parameters to set when deleting JP1/AJS3 - Manager and JP1/AJS3 - Agent logical hosts

Definition key Environment setting parameter Value
[JP1_DEFAULT\JP1NBQAGENT\Process] "IsHA"= dword:00000000
[JP1_DEFAULT\JP1NBQCLIENT\Process] "IsHA"= dword:00000000
[JP1_DEFAULT\JP1NBQMANAGER\Process] "IsHA"= dword:00000000
[JP1_DEFAULT\JP1NBQNOTIFY\Process] "IsHA"= dword:00000000

For details about these environment parameters, see 2.3 Setting up the job execution environment in the Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide 2.



Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, Hitachi, Ltd.
Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, Hitachi Solutions, Ltd.