Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide 1


16.2.3 Changing the common definition information

In a cluster system, JP1/Base, JP1/AJS3, and JP1/IM have specific information for each logical host on the physical hosts of both nodes. Because the information is used as common definition information, it must be identical on both physical hosts. After setting up JP1/Base, JP1/AJS3, and JP1/IM on the primary node physical host, and then changing the common definition information#, perform an operation such as the following to ensure that the information on both physical hosts matches.

Note that this operation affects all JP1/Base, JP1/AJS3, and JP1/IM products.

On the primary node:
jbsgetcnf -h logical-host-name > backup-file-name

On the secondary node:
jbssetcnf backup-file-name

While JP1/AJS3 is being used, the common definition information for JP1/Base, JP1/AJS3, and JP1/IM is updated at the following times:
  • When the common definition information is changed by using the JP1/Base jbssetcnf command. (This command adds the information in the environment settings files to the registry.)
  • When the JP1/AJS3 settings are changed by using either of the following JP1/AJS3 commands:
    - jpqregguestuser
    - jpqreguser
  • When JP1/AJS3 is set up by using any of the following JP1/AJS3 commands:
    - jajs_setup
    - jajs_config
    - jajs_setup_cluster
    - jp1ajs2_setup_cluster
    - ajsembdbsetup
    - jp1ajs2casetup
    - jp1ajs2cmsetup
  • When linkage with JP1/AJS3 is set by using the JP1/Power Monitor jaomajs2confset command. (This command sets up the environment for controlling the host power in collaboration with JP1/AJS3.)



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Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, Hitachi Solutions, Ltd.