Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide 1


15.1 Collecting log data

This section describes the settings for collecting log information, which can be used to investigate failures.

Organization of this section
(1) Setting up the data collection tool
(2) Notes on the data collection tool

(1) Setting up the data collection tool

The UNIX versions of JP1/AJS3 - Manager and JP1/AJS3 - Agent provide a data collection tool that can be used for collecting log data.

After installing JP1/AJS3 - Manager or JP1/AJS3 - Agent, copy the data collection tool to another folder and use it from that folder.

If you use JP1/AJS3 Console, environment setup in JP1/AJS3 Console Agent is not necessary as long as you have set up the environment for the data collection tool in JP1/AJS3 - Manager.
If you have not set up the environment for a data collection tool, use the following procedure.

To set up the environment needed to use the data collection tool:

  1. Copy the data collection tool to any folder.
    The following shows an example of the command you execute.
    cp /opt/jp1ajs2/lib/sample_script/_04  /home/jp1ajs2/
  2. Specify the permission settings required to edit the copied data collection tool.
    The following shows an example of the command you execute.
    chmod  +rw  /home/jp1ajs2/
  3. Edit the copied data collection tool, and then change the file name to any convenient name.
    Use an editor to edit the data collection tool.
    The following table lists the initial values specified in the data collection tool. You can change any inappropriate initial values to the appropriate values.

    Table 15-1 Initial values specified in the data collection tool

    No. Item Initial value
    1 Directory for storing integrated trace log files HNTRLOG="/opt/hitachi/HNTRLib/spool"
    2 Directory for storing user mapping and authentication settings files AUTHSV="/etc/opt/jp1base/conf/user_acl"
    3 syslog and syslog storage directory#1 In HP-UX: SYSLOGFILE="/var/adm/syslog/syslog.log"
    In Solaris: SYSLOGFILE="/var/adm/messages"
    In AIX: SYSLOGFILE="/var/adm/syslog"
    4 OS system file#2, #3 SYSTEMFILES="./etc/hosts ./etc/services ./etc/passwd"
    5 Embedded database work directory (PDDIR)#4 #PDDIR="/opt/HiRDB_J"
    6 Database storage directory#3, #5 DATABASE="./var/opt/jp1ajs2/database[sq]*"
    7 Job error information directory#3, #6 JOBINF="./var/opt/jp1ajs2/jobinf"
    8 JP1/AJS3 Console Manager data directory#3, #7 JP1AJS2CMDB="/var/opt/jp1ajs2cm/database"

    Depending on the system environment, the syslog and the syslog storage directory settings might have been changed. Make sure that you set an appropriate syslog or a directory in which only syslog is stored, according to the system environment.

    If OS system files will not be collected, delete the names of the files that are not to be collected.

    If you want to change a file name, specify a period (.) followed by a relative path from the root directory.

    To collect embedded-database trace information, delete the comment symbol, and specify the database work directory (PDDIR). The default is /opt/HiRDB_J. If the directory has been changed, specify the directory that is actually used as the database work directory.

    Do not delete the directory name that is set by default. If a database directory that does not exist under this directory has been specified because a scheduler service has been added on the physical host, specify the directory name prefixed with a period (.).
    DATABASE="./var/opt/jp1ajs2/database ./adddir/database2"
    If only logical hosts are used for operation and the default directory has been changed, specify the name of the directory that contains the database directory on the shared disk for ADDFILE in step 4. Do not change the DATABASE specification.

    In the scheduler service settings on the physical host, if the job error information directory has been changed or a job error information directory has been added, modify the value to reflect the change. If the default directory has been changed in an environment in which only logical hosts are used for operation, specify the name of the directory that contains the job error information directory for ADDFILE in step 4.

    If the data directory of JP1/AJS3 Console Manager on the physical host has been changed, modify the directory specification to reflect the change. For the data directory on a logical host, specify the directory for ADDFILE in step 4.
    For details about the default storage directories for the log files specified in the data collection tool, see 1.2.4 List of log files and directories in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Troubleshooting and the list of files and directory in the appendix of the Job Management Partner 1/Base User's Guide.
  4. In a cluster configuration, if the default output directory settings on a logical host have been changed or if you want to collect information that is not collected by default, customize the data collection tool.
    Open the data collection tool with an editor, and edit the tool so that the information about the new shared directory can be collected.
    ADDFILE="$ADDFILE /new-shared-directory/jp1base/log /new-shared-directory/jp1base/conf"

(2) Notes on the data collection tool

  1. The following table summarizes the differences between the data collection tool in JP1/AJS2 07-10 and later versions, and the data collection tool in JP1/AJS2 versions earlier than 07-10.

    Table 15-2 Differences in the data collection tool versions

    Functionality Version 07-10 or later Version earlier than 07-10
    Collection of the following types of data:
    • Error log information#
    • Information about the /etc/environment file#
    • File list information for the database directory
    • Information required for core analysis
    Data is collected. Data is not collected.
    Specification of the logical host The logical host name is specified when the data collection tool is executed. The directory for storing data is set for each logical host in the environment settings of the data collection tool.
    Isolation of initial investigation files Initial investigation files are stored in a special directory. The files required for initial investigation are output to separate locations.

    This type of information is collected in AIX only.

  2. If you have customized the data collection tool of a JP1/AJS2 version earlier than 07-10 so that the tool also collects non-standard data items, the customization is lost when the JP1/AJS2 version is upgraded to 07-10 or later.



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Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, Hitachi Solutions, Ltd.