Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide 1


14.3.8 Setting the agent host name resolution option

Resolution of agent host names might fail on the manager host if, for example, the host names are not correctly set in the hosts file or DNS. If an attempt is made to start or stop the JP1/AJS3 service on the manager host or an agent host when agent host names cannot be resolved, the following problems could occur:

You can prevent these problems from occurring by setting the agent host name resolution option.

Note that you do not need to enable this option in an environment in which all agent host names can be resolved.

The following describes how to enable the option.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Definition procedure
(2) Environment setting parameter

(1) Definition procedure

  1. Stop the JP1/AJS3 service.
    Execute the following commands to confirm that all processes have stopped:
    # /etc/opt/jp1ajs2/jajs_stop#1
    # /opt/jp1ajs2/bin/jajs_spmd_status

    Confirm that automatic termination has been set.
  2. In an editor such as vi, create a configuration file that defines the environment setting parameter described in (2) below.
  3. Save the file and then execute the following command:
    jbssetcnf configuration-file-name
    The path of the jbssetcnf command is /opt/jp1base/bin/jbssetcnf. For details on this command, see the Job Management Partner 1/Base User's Guide.
  4. Restart JP1/AJS3.
    The new settings are applied.

(2) Environment setting parameter

Table 14-35 Environment setting parameter used to enable the agent host name resolution option

Definition key Environment setting parameter Explanation
[JP1_DEFAULT\JP1AOMMANAGER]# "_AgentStartStopResolveMode"= Specifies whether to enable the agent host name resolution option.

The specification of this parameter is effective on the physical host and all logical hosts.

For details about the definition of this environment setting parameter, see 2.4(2) _AgentStartStopResolveMode in the Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide 2.



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Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, Hitachi Solutions, Ltd.