Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide 1


14.2.7 Placing restrictions on file reception

When a job# has been executed in JP1/AJS3, result files (standard output and standard error output files) and transfer files are transferred between the manager and agent hosts, or between the client and manager hosts. If the size of these files is very large, data analysis of the files places a burden on the manager host. As a result, CPU and memory usage increases, and other problems that delay job execution and degrade overall system performance can occur.

No files are transferred when the job is a queue job, event job, or queueless job.

The restrictions on file reception described in this subsection allow you to set the maximum size for these types of files that are transferred after a job is executed. You can set maximums for the total size of result files (standard output and standard error output files) received by the manager host and for the total size of transfer files received by an agent host.

The restrictions on file reception also allow you to specify the status in which the job will be placed and the message that will be output if the size of the received files exceeds the maximum.

The following table describes the type of operation that is performed and how file data is handled when the size of received files exceeds the maximum.

Table 14-11 Type of operation performed and how file data handled if the size of received files exceeds the maximum

File type
Value of the ReceiveFileSizeStatus environment setting parameter
0 1 2 3
Result file Status in which job is placed Actual termination status of the job Ended abnormally Ended with warning# Actual termination status of the job
Type of message output Information Error Warning Information
Handling of file data All file data is received. File data exceeding the maximum is discarded. File data exceeding the maximum is discarded. File data exceeding the maximum is discarded.
Transfer file Status in which job is placed Actual termination status of the job Failed to start Failed to start Actual termination status of the job
Type of message output Information Error Error Information
Handling of file data All file data is received. No file data is received. No file data is received. No file data is received.

If status of the job is Ended abnormally on the agent host, that status is inherited.
Organization of this subsection
(1) Definition procedure
(2) Environment setting parameters
(3) Operation performed if the size of received files exceeds the maximum

(1) Definition procedure

  1. Execute the following command to set the environment setting parameters described in (2) below:
    jajs_config -k definition-key "parameter-name-1"=value-1 ["parameter-name-2"=value-2]
  2. Restart JP1/AJS3.
    The new settings are applied.

(2) Environment setting parameters

Table 14-12 Environment setting parameter used to place restrictions on file reception

Definition key Environment setting parameter Explanation

  • For all scheduler services
  • For a specific scheduler service
  • For submit jobs and a compatible ISAM configuration
"ReceiveFileSizeStatus"= Specifies the restrictions applied if the size of received files reaches the maximum.
"LimitReceiveFileSize"= Specifies the maximum for the size of received files.

The specification of the {JP1_DEFAULT|logical-host} part depends on whether the host is a physical host or a logical host. For a physical host, specify JP1_DEFAULT. For a logical host, specify the logical host name.

For details about the definition of these environment setting parameters, see the following:

(3) Operation performed if the size of received files exceeds the maximum

The following describes the operation performed if the size of received files exceeds the maximum.



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Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, Hitachi Solutions, Ltd.