Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide 1


14.1.1 Settings for starting multiple scheduler services

Job groups are managed by the scheduler service. If multiple scheduler services are started, the scheduler services can be used to manage the job groups.

To start multiple scheduler services, you must first set information such as the names of the scheduler services to be added.

This subsection describes how to specify the settings for starting multiple scheduler services, and shows how to delete scheduler services that have been added.

For details about how to add scheduler services to a logical host and how to delete scheduler services from a logical host, see 16.2.7 Setting startup of multiple scheduler services on a logical host.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Starting multiple scheduler services
(2) Deleting a scheduler service that has been added
(3) Uninstalling an unnecessary database environment

(1) Starting multiple scheduler services

To set startup of multiple scheduler services:

  1. Stop the JP1/AJS3 service.
    Execute the following commands to confirm that all processes have stopped:
    # /etc/opt/jp1ajs2/jajs_stop
    # /opt/jp1ajs2/bin/jajs_spmd_status
    For each setup identifier, execute the ajsembdbstatus command with -s ust -id _JFn (n: 1 to 9 or A to Z) specified to confirm that the embedded database is operating (UNIT-STAT is ONLINE). If the database is not operating, use the ajsembdbstart command with -id _JFn specified to activate it.
  2. Use the mkdir command or another means to create the following directories:
    • Database directory
    • Directory for temporary files
    • Job information directory
    • Backup information directory
    Make sure that the above directories, other than the backup information directory, are neither directories used by other scheduler services set on the local hosts (the physical host and all logical hosts) nor subdirectories of those directories.
  3. Execute the jajs_setup command to add the scheduler service to be started.
    jajs_setup -a -F scheduler-service
     -p service-for-the-port-reporting-the-job-status
     -d database-directory
     -t directory-for-temporary-files
     -j job-information-directory
     -b backup-information-directory
     -n scheduler-service-identification-number
    Example of adding a scheduler service named AJSROOT2:
    jajs_setup -a -F AJSROOT2
     -p jp1ajs2report2
     -d "/var/opt/jp1ajs2/database/schedule/AJSROOT2"
     -t "/var/opt/jp1ajs2/tmp/schedule2"
     -j "/var/opt/jp1ajs2/jobinf2"
     -b "/var/opt/jp1ajs2/backup/schedule2"
     -n 2
    For details about the jajs_setup command, see jajs_setup in 2. Commands Used during Setup in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference 2.
  4. For the service name of the port that reports the job status specified in step 3, set the port number.
    Open the /etc/services file with a text editor, and add the port number. Make sure that you do not specify an existing port number.
    Example of setting 20248 as the port number:
    jp1ajs2report2 20248/tcp
  5. If you want to use queueless jobs, you must perform the setup required for using queueless jobs.
    Execute the following command:
    ajsqlsetup [-F scheduler-service-name]
    For details about the ajsqlsetup command, see ajsqlsetup in 3. Commands Used for Special Operation in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference 2.
  6. Restart the JP1/AJS3 service.
    The scheduler service is added and started with the specified settings.
    After the JP1/AJS3 service has been restarted, use JP1/AJS3 - View to confirm that the manager job group is displayed with the name of the added scheduler service attached.

Supplementary note on command execution when multiple scheduler services are running:
When multiple scheduler services are running, if you execute a command without specifying a service name in the -F option, the default scheduler service is assumed.
You can omit the -F option when the name of a scheduler service name is specified in the AJSCONF environment variable.

(2) Deleting a scheduler service that has been added

To delete a scheduler service that has been added:

  1. Execute the jajs_spmd_stop command to stop the JP1/AJS3 services.
    Stop all JP1/AJS3 services, including the JP1/AJS3 - Manager services, on logical hosts.
    For each setup identifier, execute the ajsembdbstatus command with -s ust -id _JFn (n: 1 to 9 or A to Z) specified to confirm that the embedded database is operating (UNIT-STAT is ONLINE). If the database is not operating, use the ajsembdbstart command with -id _JFn specified to activate it.
  2. Execute the ajsshmdel command to delete scheduler service information.
    The ajsshmdel command is located in /opt/jp1ajs2/bin/ajsshmdel.

    If the shell is sh, the command line is as follows:
    /opt/jp1ajs2/bin/ajsshmdel >/dev/null 2>&1
    If the shell is csh, the command line is as follows:
    /opt/jp1ajs2/bin/ajsshmdel >&/dev/null
  3. Execute the following jajs_setup command to delete the scheduler service.
    jajs_setup -e -F scheduler-service-name
    Example of deleting the AJSROOT2 scheduler service:
    jajs_setup -e -F AJSROOT2
    For details about the jajs_setup command, see jajs_setup in 2. Commands Used during Setup in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference 2.
  4. Delete the directory that was created when the scheduler service was added.
    Delete the following directories that were created when you executed the jajs_setup command:
    • Database directory specified in the -d option
    • Directory for temporary files specified in the -t option
    • Job information directory specified in the -j option
    • Backup information directory specified in the -b option
  5. Start the JP1/AJS3 services.
    The scheduler service you added is deleted.

(3) Uninstalling an unnecessary database environment

For details about how to uninstall a database environment that is no longer necessary, see 6.1.1(3) Uninstalling an unnecessary database environment.



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Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, Hitachi Solutions, Ltd.