Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide 1


13.1 Execution agent settings

You can use the ajsagtadd, ajsagtdel, and ajsagtalt commands to add, delete, or change an execution agent or execution agent group during JP1/AJS3 operation.

When queue and submit jobs are being used, you can use the jpqagtadd, jpqqueadd, and other commands to add, delete, or change an agent or queue for queue and submit jobs. For details, see 7.1.2(1)(b) Changing the execution environment for QUEUE jobs and submit jobs dynamically in the Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 System Design (Configuration) Guide.

For details about each command, see 2. Commands in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference 1.

Organization of this section
(1) Procedure for specifying execution agent settings
(2) Notes on execution agents

(1) Procedure for specifying execution agent settings

To use the ajsagtadd command to add an execution agent and execution agent group:

  1. Add an execution agent, and set the maximum number of concurrently executable jobs.
    Use the ajsagtadd command to add an execution agent.
    Before executing the ajsagtadd command, make sure that the IP address can be resolved from the host name of the execution agent you want to add.
    ajsagtadd -a exec-agent-name [-s target-host-name] [-c time-time=maximum-number-of-concurrently-executable-jobs,...]
    ajsagtadd -a AP1 -s Host1 -c 01:00-05:00=1
    If the -c option is omitted, the maximum number of concurrently executable jobs is set to 5 regardless of the time (that is, -c 00:00-00:00=5 is assumed). If the -c option is specified, the maximum number of concurrently executable jobs for the time periods that are not specified in the option is set to 0. For example, if -c 01:00-02:00=10 is specified, the maximum number of concurrently executable jobs for each time period is as follows:
    • 00:00 to 01:00: 0
    • 01:00 to 02:00: 10
    • 02:00 to 00:00: 0
    When the maximum number of concurrently executable jobs is 0, no jobs can be executed. A value of at least 1 must be specified to execute a job. You can also use the ajsagtalt command to change the maximum number of concurrently executable jobs. For an example of specifying the maximum number of concurrently executable jobs, see the supplementary note for ajsagtadd in 2. Commands in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference 1.
  2. Add an execution agent group.
    Use the ajsagtadd command to add an execution agent group, which is a group of execution agents.
    You can add an execution agent group when, for example, you want to connect several execution agents to the execution agent group so that job execution is distributed to those agents. You can also specify a priority for each execution agent so that jobs are delivered to execution agents based on the priorities that have been specified.
    ajsagtadd -g exec-agent-group-name [-l exec-agent-name[:priority],...]
    ajsagtadd -g APG1 -l AP1:16,AP2,AP3:5
    You can use the ajsagtalt command to change the priorities of execution agents in a group.
  3. Verity the settings you have specified.
    Execute the ajsagtshow command to display the settings you specified in steps 1 and 2 so that you can verify that the settings are correct.
    ajsagtshow {-a exec-agent-name|-g exec-agent-group-name|-l|-n}
    ajsagtshow -a AP1

As shown below, several execution agents and execution agent groups can be added all at one time by using an execution agent definition file.

ajsagtadd -f exec-agent-definition-file-name

The format used for the execution agent definition file is the same as the format of the CSV file output by the ajsagtprint command. For details about the execution agent definition file, see ajsagtadd in 2. Commands in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference 1 and ajsagtprint in 2. Commands in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference 1.

(2) Notes on execution agents



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Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, Hitachi Solutions, Ltd.