Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide 1


9.2 Uninstalling JP1/AJS3 series programs

This section describes how to uninstall JP1/AJS3.

  • Because uninstalling JP1/AJS3 also causes the JP1/AJS3 programs to be deleted, the user environment (such as the database and environment settings files) is also deleted. Therefore, if you uninstall and then reinstall JP1/AJS3, you must specify all the settings again.
  • If you perform uninstallation while the Services administrative tool in Control Panel is open, the startup type for the services provided by JP1/AJS3 might change to Disabled, preventing the services from being uninstalled. Before you perform uninstallation, make sure that the Services administrative tool in Control Panel is closed. If uninstallation of services has failed because the Services administrative tool was not closed, restart the system. When the system is restarted, these services are uninstalled. Note that if you perform re-installation while the startup type of the services provided by JP1/AJS3 is Disabled, these services will not be installed.
  • Before you start uninstallation, make sure that the Event Viewer administrative tool in the Control Panel is closed. If this tool is open, uninstallation might fail.
  • If you uninstall JP1/Base before uninstalling JP1/AJS3, you will no longer be able to uninstall JP1/AJS3. Always make sure that JP1/Base is installed before you uninstall JP1/AJS3.
  • In a cluster system, use JP1/Base to delete logical hosts before you uninstall JP1/AJS3. For details about deleting logical hosts, see 8.2.6 Deleting logical hosts.

To uninstall JP1/AJS3 series programs from a Windows host:

  1. Log in as a member of the Administrators group to the host from which you want to uninstall the JP1/AJS3 series programs.
  2. Terminate all programs.
    If existing JP1 series programs are running, always stop them.
  3. In Windows Control Panel, double-click Add/Remove Programs.
    A dialog box for selecting the programs to be uninstalled appears.
  4. Select the JP1/AJS3 series programs you want to uninstall, and then click the Remove button.
    A dialog box asking you to confirm that you want to delete the program appears.
  5. Click the OK button.
    The selected programs are uninstalled.
    If a dialog box displaying the message An attempt to delete the JP1/AJS3 database failed. Try uninstalling again. appears while JP1/AJS3 - Manager is being uninstalled, take action based on the KAVS2128-E message output to the Windows event log.
  6. Delete any user files created by JP1/AJS3 and the JP1/AJS3 installation folder as required.



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Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, Hitachi Solutions, Ltd.