Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide 1


7.1 Collecting log data

This section describes the settings for collecting log information, which can be used to investigate failures.

Organization of this section
(1) Setting up the data collection tool
(2) Notes on the data collection tool
(3) Procedure for setting the outputting of a dump file

(1) Setting up the data collection tool

The Windows versions of JP1/AJS3 - Manager, JP1/AJS3 - Agent, and JP1/AJS3 - View provide a data collection tool that can be used for collecting log data.

After installing JP1/AJS3 - Manager, JP1/AJS3 - Agent, or JP1/AJS3 - View, copy the data collection tool to another folder and use it from that folder.

You can also collect only the log data you need by using Windows Explorer to copy a folder.

If you use JP1/AJS3 Console, environment setup in JP1/AJS3 Console Agent or JP1/AJS3 Console View is not necessary as long as you have set up the environment for the data collection tool in JP1/AJS3 - Manager and JP1/AJS3 - View.
If you have not set up the environment for a data collection tool, use the following procedure.

To set up the environment needed to use the data collection tool:

  1. Use Explorer or another means to copy the data collection tool to any folder. The location of the tool is as follows.

    (a) For JP1/AJS3 - Manager or JP1/AJS3 - Agent
    This data collection tool also allows you to collect log data for JP1/AJS3 - View on the same host.

    (b) For JP1/AJS3 - View
    This data collection tool also allows you to collect log data for JP1/AJS3 - Manager or JP1/AJS3 - Agent on the same host.
  2. Edit the copied data collection tool, and then change the file name to any convenient name.
    Use a text editor to edit the data collection tool.
    The table below lists the initial values specified in the data collection tool. You can change any inappropriate initial values to the appropriate values.

    Table 7-1 Initial values specified in the data collection tool

    No. Item Initial value
    1 HNTRLib installation folder @set INST_DIR_HNTRLIB=%PROGRAMFILES_DIR%\hitachi\HNTRLib
    2 HNTRLib2 installation folder @set INST_DIR_HNTRLIB2=%PROGRAMFILES_DIR%\hitachi\HNTRLib2
    3 JP1/AJS3 database storage folder#1 @set INST_DIR_DATABASE=%INST_DIR_MANAGER%\hitachi\JP1AJS2\database
    4 JP1/AJS3 Console Manager data folder @set LOG_DIR_AJS2CONSOLE_DATABASE=%INST_DIR_AJS2CONSOLE%\database
    5 Folder for storing JP1/AJS3 temporary files @set LOG_DIR_AJSPDDIR=%INST_DIR_MANAGER%\tmp\schedule
    6 JP1/AJS3 job error information folder @set LOG_DIR_JOBINF=%INST_DIR_MANAGER%\jobinf
    7 Log file path for the Dr. Watson Diagnostic Tool#2 @set LOG_DIR_DRWTSN=%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Documents\DrWatson
    8 Memory dump file path#2 @set LOG_DIR_USERDUMP=%Systemroot%\*.dmp
    9 Crash dump file path#2 @set LOG_DIR_WTSNDUMP=%LOG_DIR_DRWTSN%\*.dmp
    10 Folder used for storing data other than the above @rem @set DIR_ADD=
    Delete the @rem item, and specify the absolute path to the directory. If you have changed the scheduler log file 1, scheduler log file 2, and scheduler trace log file destinations, you need to use spaces as delimiters as shown in the following example. If the absolute path contains a space character, you must enclose the entire path in double quotation marks (").
    @set DIR_ADD=new-scheduler-log-output-folder\JP1AJS2\log "new-scheduler-log-output-folder\sys"
    11 Folder in which data collected by the data collection tool will be saved @set DIR_BACKLOG=%TEMP%\jp1ajs2\backlog

    Data will not be collected if directories in a location not under this directory are set for the scheduler service and the job execution environment database.
    Place each database file under the desired directory, and specify the absolute path to that directory.

    This data is not collected in Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista.

    For details about the log file storage folders initially specified in the data collection tool, see 1.2.4 List of log files and directories in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Troubleshooting and the list of files or folders in the appendix of the Job Management Partner 1/Base User's Guide.

(2) Notes on the data collection tool

  1. The following table summarizes the differences between the data collection tool in JP1/AJS2 07-10 and later versions, and the data collection tool in JP1/AJS2 versions earlier than 07-10.

    Table 7-2 Differences in the data collection tool versions

    Functionality Version 07-10 or later Version earlier than 07-10
    Collection of the following types of data:
    • Windows registry information
    • Windows event log data
    • Computer configuration information
    • List of programs for which services have started
    • File list information for the database folder
    • JP1/Base file list information
    • Information required for core analysis
    Data is collected. Data is not collected.
    Specification of the logical host The logical host name is specified when the data collection tool is executed. The folder for storing data is set for each logical host in the environment settings of the data collection tool.
    Isolation of initial investigation files Initial investigation files are stored in a special directory. The files required for initial investigation are output to separate locations.
    Collection of log data while the JP1/AJS3 service is running Collection is possible if the -s option is specified when the data collection tool is executed. Collection is not possible.
  2. If you have customized the data collection tool of a JP1/AJS2 version earlier than 07-10 so that the tool also collects non-standard data items, the customization is lost when the JP1/AJS2 version is upgraded to 07-10 or later.
  3. Data collection tools of JP1/AJS3 09-00 or later do not require the following modification:
    When you use 64-bit Windows and the JP1/AJS3 data collection tool in the WOW64 (Windows on Windows 64) environment to collect data, you need to modify the data collection tool.
    The following describes the procedure for modifying the data collection tool:
    1. Copy the data collection tool to any folder.
    2. Use a text editor to edit the copied batch file as follows, and then save the file with any file name.


(3) Procedure for setting the outputting of a dump file

When a problem occurs, a memory dump file or a crash dump file might be necessary for troubleshooting. If you want to acquire a memory dump file or a crash dump file when a problem occurs, you must set output of the dump file beforehand.

For details about how to acquire dump files, see 1.4.1 Collecting data for troubleshooting in Windows in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Troubleshooting.

Setting for outputting a memory dump:
  1. In Control Panel, double-click System.
  2. On the Detailed settings page, in Start and Recovery, click the Set button.
  3. In Write Debugging Information, select Complete Memory Dump, and then specify the output destination file in Dump File.

Cautionary note:
The size of the memory dump varies according to the amount of memory actually installed. The greater the amount of installed physical memory, the larger the size of the memory dump. Therefore, ensure that there is sufficient free space on the disk to collect a memory dump. For details, see STOP error in Windows Help.

Setting for outputting a crash dump (in Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP Professional):
  1. From the Windows Start menu, choose Run.
    The Run dialog box appears.
  2. In Name, enter drwtsn32, and then click the OK button.
    The Dr. Watson Diagnostic Tool dialog box appears.
  3. Select the Create crash dump file check box, and then specify the output file in Crash dump.
  4. Click the OK button.

Cautionary notes:
  • In Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, and Windows Vista, this setting is not required because Dr. Watson log files cannot be acquired. For details about how to collect information equivalent to the information in a crash dump, see 1.4.1(3) Obtain a dump file in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Troubleshooting.
  • Because the information output in a crash dump includes not only the JP1 information, but also problem information for other application programs, a large amount of disk space might be required. Therefore, if you set that a crash dump is to be output, ensure that there is sufficient free space on the disk.



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Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, Hitachi Solutions, Ltd.