Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide 1


6.4.2 Executing a job that requires a user profile in a queueless job execution environment

Normally, the process execution environment in which jobs can be executed requires only system environment settings. However, some jobs require user profile information that is loaded from the OS user's logon session for correct execution. This subsection describes the setting for correctly executing a job that requires user profile information. If this setting is enabled, user profile information is loaded for all PC jobs executed on the specified agent host. The following describes how to change the settings for executing a job that requires a user profile.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Definition procedure
(2) Environment setting parameter

(1) Definition procedure

  1. In Windows Control Panel, open the Services administrative tool, and stop the following service:
    • JP1/AJS3 Queueless Agent service
  2. In a text editor such as Notepad, create a configuration file that defines the environment setting parameter described in (2) below.
    The configuration file can be given any name.
  3. Save the file and then execute the following command:
    jbssetcnf configuration-file-name
    The path of the jbssetcnf command is JP1/Base-installation-folder\bin\jbssetcnf. For details on this command, see the Job Management Partner 1/Base User's Guide.
  4. Restart the service that you stopped in step 1.
    The new settings are applied.

(2) Environment setting parameter

Table 6-46 Environment setting parameter used to execute a job that requires a user profile in a queueless job execution environment

Definition key Environment setting parameter Explanation
[{JP1_DEFAULT|logical-host}\JP1QLAGENT]# "AJSQL_LOADUSERPROFILE"= Specifies whether the user profile is to be loaded.

The specification of the {JP1_DEFAULT|logical-host} part depends on whether the host is a physical host or a logical host. For a physical host, specify JP1_DEFAULT. For a logical host, specify the logical host name.

For details about the definition of this environment setting parameter, see 2.7(7) AJSQL_LOADUSERPROFILE in the Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide 2.



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Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, Hitachi Solutions, Ltd.