
In-Memory Data Grid Hitachi Elastic Application Data Store

22.1 Message output format

The table below lists and describes each of these elements in more detail. Note that for some messages there might not be a description of variable values or an action to take in response to the message.




This represents the message ID. It is composed of the following elements:


This is KDEA, the message prefix for EADS messages.


This represents the message number maintained by EADS. Each message has a unique five-digit number.


This represents the level of the message.

The level of the message is indicated by a single letter.

The meanings of the letters that indicate the message levels are as follows:

E (Error)

This is a message notifying you that an error has occurred.

When this message is output, processing is suspended.

W (Warning)

This is a message notifying you that a warning-level problem has occurred.

After this message is output, processing continues.

I (Information)

This is a message notifying you about system operations.

After this message is output, processing continues.

Message text

This represents the message text output by EADS.

Description of variable values

The format xx....xx: displayed-information is used to indicate information displayed in the variable values in the message text (where xx are lowercase letters).

The following is an example of a description of variable values:


aa....aa: IP address Port number


This provides information that supplements the message text, such as the cause of the problem reported in the message, or the type of EADS operation that produced the message.


This indicates the action that the user is recommended to take.