
In-Memory Data Grid Hitachi Elastic Application Data Store

18.1.11 BatchOperationException class

Organization of this subsection

(1) Description

This is a subclass of CacheException that is returned when part or all of a batch operation fails.

(2) Inheritance relationship


(3) Format

public class BatchOperationException
extends CacheException

(4) List of methods

The following table lists and describes the methods provided by the BatchOperationException class:

Method name



Acquires the number of keys whose manipulation was successful during batch operation.


Acquires a listing of information about processing that failed during batch operation.

(5) getSuccessOperationNumber()

(a) Description

This method acquires the number of keys whose manipulation was successful during batch operation.

(b) Format

public int getSuccessOperationNumber()

(c) Return value

This method returns the number of keys whose manipulation was successful.

(6) getFailureOperationInfo()

(a) Description

This method acquires a listing of information about processing that failed during batch operation.

(b) Format

public java.util.Set<FailureOperationInfo> getFailureOperationInfo()

(c) Return value

This method returns a list the of FailureOperationInfo classes that store information about processing that failed.