
In-Memory Data Grid Hitachi Elastic Application Data Store

6.1.1 Post-installation procedures

Perform the tasks described in the following subsections after you have installed an EADS client.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Checking the directory configuration

After you have installed the EADS client, check the EADS client's directory configuration.

Figure 6‒1: EADS client's directory configuration


The following table explains the EADS client's directory configuration shown in the figure:




Directory to which the EADS client (Java) is copied


Stores the client property file.


Stores the library files.


EADS client (C) installation directory.


Stores the client property file.


Stores the header files.


Stores 32-bit edition of library files.


Stores 64-bit edition of library files.

Important note

Do not change the directories and file owners, groups, and permissions that are created when EADS is installed. Store user-specific files only under the management directory. If these restrictions are not observed, EADS might not run correctly.

(2) Specifying the libraries

Specify the libraries.

(a) Java

Specify the following libraries in the class path:

  • /opt/hitachi/xeads/javaclient/lib/eads-client.jar

  • /opt/hitachi/xeads/javaclient/lib/eads-common.jar

  • /opt/hitachi/xeads/javaclient/lib/hntrlib2-eads-j.jar

If you run the EADS client on a Java EE server (uCosminexus Application Server), you must include the following libraries in the application program (WAR file (WEB-INF/lib directory)) On a Java EE server, you can use Servlet or JSP.

  • /opt/hitachi/xeads/javaclient/lib/eads-client.jar

  • /opt/hitachi/xeads/javaclient/lib/eads-common.jar

  • /opt/hitachi/xeads/javaclient/lib/hntrlib2-eads-j.jar

(b) C

Specify the following libraries in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable:

  • 32-bit edition


  • 64-bit edition
