
In-Memory Data Grid Hitachi Elastic Application Data Store

2.12.2 Connection pools

The EADS client reuses the connection that has been established by pooling it for each connection target. This is called a connection pool.

When communication begins, the EADS client checks for an existing connection with the connection target. If a connection has been pooled, EADS uses that connection to start communication.

When communication ends, EADS returns the connection to the connection pool.

If all connections in the connection pool are in use due to concentrated requests, as many new connections as can be pooled can be established.

If the maximum number of connections that can be pooled has already been reached, processing is placed in wait status until a connection is returned to the pool. Alternatively, you can set that an error is to be detected and processing is not to be placed in wait status.

You can reduce communication overhead by using communication pools, because with them, it is not necessary to establish connections repeatedly.