
In-Memory Data Grid Hitachi Elastic Application Data Store

1.4 Examples of EADS applications

This section presents an example of EADS deployment that benefits the user, and an example that does not benefit the user.

[Figure] An example of EADS deployment that benefits the user

EADS is suitable for standard applications, such as high-speed processing of large amounts of data.

Because EADS creates redundant copies of data to achieve high-availability and fault-tolerant systems, it is also suitable for enterprise systems that must provide high reliability.

1.4.1 Using EADS as a write buffer shows an example of using EADS as a write buffer, and 1.4.2 Using EADS as a read cache shows an example of using EADS as a read cache.

[Figure] An example of EADS deployment that does not benefit the user

EADS is not suitable for atypical applications that require complex queries, such as in SQL, because EADS manages data in a simple format consisting of keys and values.

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