Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide


Appendix C.76 netmdm_userinvlist

This table stores a list of user inventory items.

Column name Oracle Microsoft SQL Server Embedded RDB Description Key No.
Data type Size Data type Size Data type Size
dm_itemname VARCHAR2 64 varchar 64 MVARCHAR 64 Item name 1
dm_itemlabel VARCHAR2 64 varchar 64 MVARCHAR 64 Label name --
dm_priority NUMBER 3 int 4 INTEGER -- Display order --
dm_itemcomment VARCHAR2 255 varchar 255 MVARCHAR 255 Comment --
dm_itemvalues BLOB -- image -- BLOB -- Value of the selected item. If there are multiple items, the values are delimited by the comma (,). If there is no item, a space is stored. --
dm_systeminf BLOB -- image -- BLOB -- Management information for JP1/Software Distribution Manager --
dm_attrflag RAW 1 binary 1 BINARY 1 Item attribute flag:
  • 0x00: Items managed on local server
  • 0x01: Items managed on higher server
  • 0x02: Items managed on higher and local servers
dm_itemtype VARCHAR2 8 varchar 8 MVARCHAR 8 Item type:
  • NULL (no value): Text entry
  • SELECT: Selection
  • INSERT: Addable selection
dm_texttypes VARCHAR2 128 varchar 128 MVARCHAR 128 Character type
If there are multiple settings, the settings are delimited by the plus sign (+).
  • NULL (no setting): Cannot be set
  • FREE: Free
  • 1LARGE: Uppercase letters
  • 1SMALL: Lowercase letters
  • 1NUMBER: Numeric characters
  • PERIOD: Period
  • HYPHEN: Hyphen
  • AT: At sign (@)
  • PLUS: Plus
  • 1SPACE: Space in text
  • 1OTHERS: Other
dm_itemoption VARCHAR2 16 varchar 16 MVARCHAR 16 Input option:
  • NECESSARY-INP: Required
  • FREE-INP: Optional
dm_upperittemop VARCHAR2 16 varchar 16 MVARCHAR 16 Input option for the higher manager:
  • NECESSARY-INP: Required
  • FREE-INP: Optional
For items managed on higher servers or items managed on higher and local servers, this column contains the input option for this item specified by the higher manager. For items managed on local servers, this column contains FREE-INP.
dm_loweritemop VARCHAR2 16 varchar 16 MVARCHAR 16 Input option for the lower manager:
  • NECESSARY-INP: Required
  • FREE-INP: Optional
For items managed on local servers or items managed on higher and local servers, this column contains the input option specified for this item by the local manager. For items managed on higher servers, this column contains FREE-INP. This value is merged with the value of dm_upperitemop and the result is stored in dm_itemoption.
dm_upperitemname VARCHAR2 64 varchar 64 MVARCHAR 64 Name of the higher item. If an item is configured in a hierarchy, this column contains the name of the higher item. If the item is not configured in a hierarchy, this column contains NULL. --
dm_loweritemname VARCHAR2 64 varchar 64 MVARCHAR 64 Name of the lower item. If an item is configured in a hierarchy, this column contains the name of the lower item. If the item is not configured in a hierarchy, this column contains NULL. --

--: Not applicable