Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide


Appendix C.67 netmdm_stscnt

This table stores the job execution status expressed as a combination of host and package subject to job execution.

Column name Oracle Microsoft SQL Server Embedded RDB Description Key No.
Data type Size Data type Size Data type Size
dm_jobno CHAR 16 char 16 MCHAR 16 Number assigned to the job automatically 1
dm_sitename VARCHAR2 64 varchar 64 MVARCHAR 64 Host name at site 2
dm_waitcount NUMBER 10 int 4 INTEGER -- Execution wait count --
dm_logonwaitcount NUMBER 10 int 4 INTEGER -- Logon wait count --
dm_completecount NUMBER 10 int 4 INTEGER -- Completion count --
dm_execcount NUMBER 10 int 4 INTEGER -- Executing status count --
dm_inswaitcount NUMBER 10 int 4 INTEGER -- Installation wait count --
dm_inserrorcount NUMBER 10 int 4 INTEGER -- Installation error count --
dm_othererrorcount NUMBER 10 int 4 INTEGER -- Other error count --
dm_refusecount NUMBER 10 int 4 INTEGER -- Installation rejection count --
dm_totalcount NUMBER 10 int 4 INTEGER -- Total execution count --
dm_idname VARCHAR2 32 varchar 32 MVARCHAR 32 ID group name 3
dm_pendingcount NUMBER 10 int 4 INTEGER -- Communication error count --
dm_transmittingcount NUMBER 10 int 4 INTEGER -- Of all the jobs to be sent to the relay managing the ID, number of jobs that have not reached the destination --

--: Not applicable