Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide


Appendix C.44 netmdm_monitoring_result

This table stores the software startup suppression history.

Column name Oracle Microsoft SQL Server Embedded RDB Description Key No.
Data type Size Data type Size Data type Size
dm_nodename VARCHAR2 64 varchar 64 MVARCHAR 64 Node name --
dm_productname VARCHAR2 50 varchar 50 MVARCHAR 50 Name of the started product --
dm_productversion VARCHAR2 50 varchar 50 MVARCHAR 50 Version of the started product --
dm_productlanguage CHAR 2 char 2 VARCHAR 2 Language of the started product.
(If the language is unknown, NULL is set)
dm_filename VARCHAR2 255 varchar 255 MVARCHAR 255 Name of the file used --
dm_fileversion VARCHAR2 50 varchar 50 MVARCHAR 50 File version --
dm_filelanguage CHAR 2 char 2 VARCHAR 2 File language.
(If the language is unknown, NULL is set)
dm_logonuser VARCHAR2 128 varchar 128 MVARCHAR 128 Login user --
dm_execaccount VARCHAR2 128 varchar 128 MVARCHAR 128 Program's execution account --
dm_startdate DATE -- datetime 8 TIMESTAMP -- Program suppression date and time --
dm_hostname VARCHAR2 64 varchar 64 MVARCHAR 64 Host name# --
dm_ipaddress VARCHAR2 15 varchar 15 MVARCHAR 15 IP address# --
dm_flag NUMBER 3 tinyint 1 SMALLINT -- Whether or not data is stored in the netmdm_monitoring_security table:
  • NULL: Not stored
  • 1: Stored

--: Not applicable

In the case of the suppress history collected by a managing server version 07-50 or earlier, NULL is set when the managing server is upgraded to 08-00.