Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide


Appendix C.14 netmdm_discovery_setup

This table stores host search settings.

Column name Oracle Microsoft SQL Server Embedded RDB Description Key No.
Data type Size Data type Size Data type Size
dm_setup_key NUMBER 10 int 4 INTEGER -- Key information for identifying the search settings 1
dm_mgmt_name VARCHAR2 64 varchar 64 MVARCHAR 64 Name --
dm_from_ip VARCHAR2 15 varchar 15 VARCHAR 15 Start IP address for host search --
dm_from_ip_num NUMBER 10 numeric 10 DECIMAL 10 dm_from_ip expressed as a numeric value --
dm_to_ip VARCHAR2 15 varchar 15 VARCHAR 15 End IP address for host search --
dm_to_ip_num NUMBER 10 numeric 10 DECIMAL 10 dm_to_ip expressed as a numeric value --
dm_schedule NUMBER 1 tinyint 1 SMALLINT --
  • 0: Immediate execution
  • 1: Scheduled execution
dm_schdl_period NUMBER 10 int 4 INTEGER --
  • NULL: Immediate execution
  • 0: Daily
  • 1: Weekly
  • 2: Monthly
dm_schdl_hour NUMBER 2 tinyint 1 SMALLINT -- Time set for scheduled execution (hour) --
dm_schdl_min NUMBER 2 tinyint 1 SMALLINT -- Time set for scheduled execution (minute) --
dm_schdl_day NUMBER 2 tinyint 1 SMALLINT -- If dm_schdl_period is Weekly:
  • 1: Sunday
  • 2: Monday
  • 3: Tuesday
  • 4: Wednesday
  • 5: Thursday
  • 6: Friday
  • 7: Saturday
If dm_schdl_period is Monthly, this is the scheduled execution date.
dm_exec_status NUMBER 10 int 4 INTEGER -- Host search status:
  • 0: Completed
  • 1: Cancelled
  • 2: Error
  • 3: Executing
  • 4: Unexecuted
dm_total_count NUMBER 10 numeric 10 DECIMAL -- Total number of addresses in the IP address range --
dm_exec_count NUMBER 10 numeric 10 DECIMAL -- Total number of IP addresses over which host search was executed --
dm_start_time DATE -- datetime 8 TIMESTAMP -- Date and time the host search began --
dm_end_time DATE -- datetime 8 TIMESTAMP -- Date and time the host search ended --
dm_lock NUMBER 2 tinyint 1 SMALLINT -- Internal lock and option settings for host search:
  • 0: Not locked
    - Acquire host name
    - Acquire information from all terminals
    - Do not check startup
  • 1: Currently locked
    - Acquire host name
    - Acquire information from all terminals
    - Do not check startup
  • 2: Not locked
    - Acquire host name
    - Acquire information from router
    - Do not check startup
  • 3: Not locked
    - Do not acquire host name
    - Acquire information from all terminals
    - Do not check startup
  • 4: Not locked
    - Do not acquire host name
    - Acquire information from router
    - Do not check startup
  • 5: Not locked
    - Do not acquire host name
    - Acquire information from all terminals
    - Check startup
  • 6: Not locked
    - Acquire host name
    - Acquire information from all terminals
    - Check startup
  • 7: Currently locked
    - Acquire host name
    - Acquire information from router
    - Do not check startup
  • 8: Currently locked
    - Do not acquire host name
    - Acquire information from all terminals
    - Do not check startup
  • 9: Currently locked
    - Do not acquire host name
    - Acquire information from router
    - Do not check startup
  • 10: Currently locked
    - Do not acquire host name
    - Acquire information from all terminals
    - Check startup
  • 11: Currently locked
    - Acquire host name
    - Acquire information from all terminals
    - Check startup
dm_next_exec_time DATE -- datetime 8 TIMESTAMP -- Next host search date and time
Null in the case of immediate execution

--: Not applicable