Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide


6.4.1 Multi-polling environment for a relay system

Normally, a relay system is connected to only one higher system. If you want to establish more than one distribution route to a relay system from a higher level, you must create a multi-polling environment that contains more than one higher system. In a multi-polling environment, a relay system can receive jobs from multiple higher systems and forward them to the lower-level systems.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Setting the multi-polling environment
(2) Notes on the multi-polling environment

(1) Setting the multi-polling environment

During relay system setup, in the Specify Higher Systems dialog box specify the higher systems to which you want to connect. You must assign a priority to each higher system. When you specify the name of a higher system, use the ID key for operations (host name or IP address) of the higher system. You can specify a maximum of eight higher systems.

In a multi-polling environment, the relay system performs polling on a multi-host basis. Therefore, you cannot use hot-standby polling.

Also, note that in a multi-polling environment, you can only specify either host names or IP addresses of the higher systems as the ID key for operations. If you specify host names for some higher systems and IP addresses for the other higher systems, the jobs from the higher systems stop at the relay system and are not forwarded to the subsystems.

(2) Notes on the multi-polling environment