Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide


6.1.6 Using JP1/Software Distribution in a multiple LAN connections environment

You can use JP1/Software Distribution in an environment that has multiple LAN connections. A PC in such an environment has multiple network adapters, such as NICs.

JP1/Software Distribution supports the following two types of environments that have multiple LAN connections:

This section describes how to use JP1/Software Distribution in each of these environments.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Multi-network environments
(2) Duplex networks

(1) Multi-network environments

The following shows an example of an environment separated into multiple networks.

Figure 6-3 Example of an environment separated into multiple networks


In a network separated into multiple networks, each job execution request includes the IP address of the requesting higher system. Therefore, requests to receive a job can be sent by the client to the correct destination.

When a higher system requests job execution
The IP address of the local system that has successfully established a socket connection with a lower system is acquired and communicated as the requesting-source IP address to the lower system.

When a lower system requests to receive a job
A request to receive a job is issued by establishing a socket connection for the requesting-source IP address that was communicated when a higher system requested job execution.

However, to use JP1/Software Distribution in such an environment, connections must be established using the TCP protocol. Specify the following:

Higher system
When you set up JP1/Software Distribution Manager or JP1/Software Distribution Client (relay system), select the TCP Protocol radio button on the Communication page.
For details about the Communication page, see 4.2.2 Communication page in the Setup Guide for JP1/Software Distribution Manager, and see 5.2.2 Communication page in the Setup Guide for JP1/Software Distribution Client (relay system).

Lower system
When you set up JP1/Software Distribution Client (client), select the TCP Protocol check box and the Connect to the upper-level system by using the IP address received via the startup request protocol check box on the Communication page.
For details about the Communication page, see 6.2.6 Communication page in the Setup Guide.

(2) Duplex networks

The following shows an example of an environment with duplex networks (that is networks, set up in a redundant configuration).

Figure 6-4 Example of an environment with duplex networks


In an environment with duplex networks, when a failure occurs in the main network, for example, operation switches to the backup network. However, the communication lines used by JP1/Software Distribution may be limited to the main network.

To enable JP1/Software Distribution to be used in such an environment, you must set priority orders for the network adapters when you set up clients on PCs. When you set up JP1/Software Distribution, open the Communication page and select Specify multiple network adapters. For details about the setup method, see 5.2.1 Connection Destination page in the Setup Guide.