Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide


4.10 Shutting down clients at a specific date and time


You can shut down a computer by executing the dmpshutd command on a client. By using the dmpshutd command with a Windows task, you can reduce power consumption by configuring the client to shut down at a specific time on specific days as a measure against the user forgetting to turn off the power.

This subsection describes how to shut down a client at 8:00 PM on Mondays through Fridays.

The following figure shows the general procedure for shutting down a client at a specific time on specific days.

Figure 4-11 General procedure for shutting down a client at a specific time on specific days


Operating procedure
  1. Create a batch file for setting a task that executes the dmpshutd command.
    Create a batch file that sets a task for executing the dmpshutd command on a client at 8:00 PM on Monday through Friday. The content of the batch file to create is as follows:
    AT 20:00 /interactive /every:M,T,W,Th,F
    "C:\Program Files\Hitachi\NETMDMP\BIN\dmpshutd.exe" /USER,8 > C:\at.txt
    The execution results of the batch file are output to C:\at.txt.
    Whenever you execute the dmpshutd command, make sure to specify the /USER,8 option.
  2. Package the batch file, specifying that it start after installation.
    In this step, you package the batch file. You also set the batch file you created as an external program that starts after remote installation.
    • For details about the packaging procedure, see 2.1 Packaging procedure in the manual Administrator's Guide Volume 1.
    • For details on how to start a batch file, see 2.2.10 External Program page in the manual Administrator's Guide Volume 1.
  3. Create and run a remote installation job that executes the batch file.
    • For details on how to create a job, see 2.3.1 Remote installation execution procedure in the manual Administrator's Guide Volume 1.
    • For details on how to execute a job, see 8.3 Executing and saving a job in the manual Administrator's Guide Volume 1.

To cancel the shutdown setting, use the same procedure to remotely install a batch file with the following content on the client:

@echo off
FOR /F "tokens=4" %%i in (C:\at.txt) do set atdel=%%i
at %atdel% /DELETE

When you cancel a shutdown setting, remote installation cannot be used to delete the batch file execution results (C:\at.txt in the above procedure). You must manually delete the file using a task registered on the client.