Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide


3.3 Installing JP1/Software Distribution

After designing the system configuration, you must install the JP1/Software Distribution programs.

Each program includes components that can be selected for each facility. When installing each program, select the components to be used.

When installing each of the JP1/Software Distribution programs, install the programs sequentially from higher to lower systems.

To install JP1/Software Distribution for the first time:

  1. Install JP1/Software Distribution Manager on the computer used as the managing server.
  2. Install JP1/Software Distribution Manager or JP1/Software Distribution Client on each computer used as a relay manager/system.
  3. Install JP1/Software Distribution Client on each computer used as a client.

When installing JP1/Software Distribution Client, which is usually installed on many machines, you can use the automatic installation facility to reduce the administrator's workload.

When you upgrade JP1/Software Distribution, you can use JP1/Software Distribution to upgrade the JP1/Software Distribution Clients by remote installation.

For details about the installation of each program, see the chapters and sections indicated in the following table:

Task Manual See Chapter/section title
Overview of JP1/Software Distribution components and installation Setup Guide Chapter 1 Overview of JP1/Software Distribution Installation
Installation of JP1/Software Distribution Manager Setup Guide Chapter 2 Installing JP1/Software Distribution Manager
Installation of JP1/Software Distribution Client Setup Guide Chapter 3 Installing JP1/Software Distribution Client
Automatic installation of JP1/Software Distribution Client Setup Guide Section 1.2.4 Using an installation set to install JP1/Software Distribution Client (client)
Overwrite installation of JP1/Software Distribution Setup Guide Section 1.2.2 Installing JP1/Software Distribution by overwriting