Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide


2.10.6 Detecting hosts on which JP1/Software Distribution has not been installed

From the managing server, you can check the JP1/Software Distribution installation status by searching hosts in the network for those hosts on which JP1/Software Distribution is not installed.

This function enables you to detect hosts in the local department network on which JP1/Software Distribution is not installed. By using the detection results to install JP1/Software Distribution on all hosts on which it is not already installed, you can place all computers in the local department network under the management of JP1/Software Distribution.

You can also use the detection results for the following purposes:

The following figure provides an overview of the function for detecting hosts on which JP1/Software Distribution is not installed.

Figure 2-57 Overview of the function for detecting hosts on which JP1/Software Distribution is not installed


A search for hosts (host search) uses SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol). Therefore, in order to execute a host search and detect hosts on which JP1/Software Distribution is not installed, the router on the network must support SNMP.

As an alternative to executing a host search, you can also detect hosts on which JP1/Software Distribution is not installed by reading a network configuration information file, which is a CSV file containing information about the hosts in the network.

For details about how to detect hosts on which JP1/Software Distribution has not been installed, see 9.7 Detecting hosts on which JP1/Software Distribution is not installed in the Setup Guide.