Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide
You use Remote Installation Manager's Create Job dialog box to create a job.
Figure 2-42 Create Job dialog box
The Create Job dialog box displays the pages needed for the specified type of job so that you can set the details of the job, such as job name, destination, and execution conditions. For details about the pages that are displayed in the Create Job dialog box, see 8.2.2 Settings in the Create Job dialog box in the manual Administrator's Guide Volume 1.
The following table lists the pages that are displayed in the Create Job dialog box and provides an overview of the information that is set on each page.
Table 2-36 Pages displayed in the Create Job dialog box
Page | Information to be set |
Job page | Sets a name for the job. |
Destination page | Sets the hosts that are targets of the executed job. |
Package page | Sets options, such as the attributes of package to be installed remotely and the installation environment. |
Job Distribution Attributes page | Sets information required for multicast distribution or split distribution of a package. These options are useful for large packages. Note that you can specify multicast distribution for an Install package job only. |
Collect File page | Sets files to be collected remotely. |
Options page | Specifies options for execution of jobs that acquire inventory information. The contents of this page depend on the job type specified. |
Schedule page | Sets the job registration date and time, execution date and time, and execution time limit. |
Client Control page | Enables you to start a PC at a job destination if it is not active. Also enables you to shut down such a PC after starting it. |
Message Notification page | Enables you to set icons, titles, and text for messages to be displayed at the job destination. |
Operation Monitoring Policy page | Enables you to specify start, change, and stop of operation monitoring at the job destination. To start or change operation monitoring, choose the operation monitoring policy to be applied. |
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