Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide


2.5.10 Guidelines for the number of days to save operation information

Assuming one user per client, the amount of operation information generated in one day amounts to approximately 1,800 data items. A large amount of software operation information might overload the system. We recommend that you avoid overloading the system by taking appropriate measures, such as limiting the operation information items to be acquired, and adjusting the number of clients that are subject to information collection.

As a guideline for achieving system operation without overloading the system, you should use the operation monitoring facility within the scope determined by the following formula:

n x 1,800 x m x x < 5,000,000

n: Number of clients

m: Number of days operation log data is retained.

x: Coefficient of operation log data to be acquired.
Specify the total of the following values for the items you intend to acquire:
  • Start process: 0.14
  • Stop process: 0.14
  • Change caption: 0.25
  • Change active window: 0.25
  • File operations: 0.08
  • Web access log: 0.14
For the following operations, you need not calculate the log volume since the size of the logs collected is small.
  • Machine startup/stop
  • Logon/logoff
  • Software startup suppression
  • Print operation
  • Print suppression
  • Print suppression release
  • External media operation
  • Device operation
  • USB media connection permission
  • USB media connection suppression
  • Device connection permission
  • Device connection suppression

The following examples show the calculations assuming that all operation log data is acquired.

Determining the number of days operation log data can be retained for a medium-sized system consisting of 2,500 clients:
2,500 clients x 1,800 x m x 1 < 5,000,000
m = approximately 1 day

Determining the number of clients if operation information is to be retained for 5 days:
n x 1,800 x 5 x 1 < 5,000,000
n = approximately 500 clients

In this calculation example, 5,000,000 represents an estimated amount of data (number of log entries) that can be stored in the database for JP1/Software Distribution Manager. For the amount of Web access log data (number of log entries), it is assumed that 200 Web access log entries are generated per day using the filtering function for Web access log data.