Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide


2.3.2 Counting hosts by inventory items

You can count the total number of client computers for each item of inventory information. For example, the inventory information you collect might include the total number of relay systems and clients, the total number of installed software products, and other system information. In addition to the count results, at the same time you can also display detailed client information for any item of inventory information. For example, you can count the number of hosts for each CPU type and display the hosts that have an Intel Pentium II CPU.

Figure 2-15 Example of counting hosts for each CPU type


You can combine several inventory items and specify detailed information to create a set of conditions for counting, so you can efficiently manage the information you need. For example, you can combine CPU type and OS to count the number of hosts whose CPU type is Intel Pentium 4 and OS is Windows XP.

If you already set the number of software licenses in advance, you can determine software license usage status from counting results.

Figure 2-16 Example of software license usage status


For details about how to count hosts by inventory items, see 4.2 Counting hosts by inventory items in the manual Administrator's Guide Volume 1.