Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide


2.2.8 Notes on managing inventory information

Organization of this subsection
(1) Central manager for managing inventory information
(2) Notes on inventory information of hosts not in the system configuration

(1) Central manager for managing inventory information

Within a JP1/Software Distribution system, you should use only one central manager to manage inventory information. If you use more than one, inconsistencies in the inventory information might develop. However, if an error occurs in the central manager, you might have to use another central manager temporarily to manage the inventory information. If you temporarily change the central manager because of some problem, you should re-collect all the managed inventory information at the first central manager after the problem has been corrected.

(2) Notes on inventory information of hosts not in the system configuration

Even after you have deleted a host from the system configuration, the inventory information of the deleted host might still remain in the database. You can delete this inventory information by using Database Manager. For details about how to delete inventory information and the types of inventory information that can be deleted by Database Manager, see 7.5.6 Deleting unneeded inventory information from the database in the Setup Guide.