Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide


2.1.6 Installing software on a stand-alone PC

By using storage media such as a CD-R or MO disk, you can install software on a stand-alone machine (offline machine) in which JP1/Software Distribution Client is installed, without using a network. This is called offline installation. Offline installation can also be executed for a client where job execution is suspended by an instruction from a higher-order system.

For details about the offline installation method, see 7.7.1 Offline installation in the manual Administrator's Guide Volume 1.

The following figure provides the general procedure for offline installation.

Figure 2-3 General procedure for offline installation


Offline installation is useful in the following cases:

To execute offline installation using a managing server and offline machine, the following conditions must be satisfied:

On the managing server:
  • Windows JP1/Software Distribution Manager 07-50 or later (relational database version) has been installed
  • Remote Installation Manager is used on the PC where the above JP1/Software Distribution Manager is running

On the offline machine:
Windows JP1/Software Distribution Client 07-50 or later has been installed

Note that the following actions cannot be performed in an offline installation: