Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide


1.3.2 Relationships between programs and system components

A JP1/Software Distribution system consists of the following two types of programs:

When you create a JP1/Software Distribution system, you install appropriate programs on each system component, such as the managing server, the relay managers/systems, and the clients.

The following figure shows the relationships between the JP1/Software Distribution programs and the system components:

Figure 1-22 Relationships between programs and system components


The following describes the types of programs and the programs that can be used in each system component.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Types of programs
(2) Programs that can be used in the system components

(1) Types of programs

This subsection describes each JP1/Software Distribution program.

(a) JP1/Software Distribution Manager

JP1/Software Distribution Manager can use all the resource and distribution management facilities provided by JP1/Software Distribution. It manages the relay managers/systems and the clients positioned under them. The JP1/Software Distribution Manager positioned at the top of a system is called the central manager.

JP1/Software Distribution Manager can also be a relay manager/system. A JP1/Software Distribution Manager used as a relay manager/system is called a relay manager.

(b) JP1/Software Distribution Client

JP1/Software Distribution Client is used as a relay manager/system or as a client in a JP1/Software Distribution system. When you install JP1/Software Distribution Client, you select whether it is to be used as a relay manager/system or as a client. JP1/Software Distribution Client used as a relay manager/system is called a relay system.

(2) Programs that can be used in the system components

The following table lists the programs that can be used in the system components (managing server, relay manager/system, and client) and their types:

Table 1-1 Programs that can be used in the system components

System component Applicable program Type#
Managing server JP1/Software Distribution Manager
  • Central manager
  • Relay manager
JP1/Software Distribution Client Relay system
Relay manager/system JP1/Software Distribution Manager Relay manager
JP1/Software Distribution Client Relay system
Client JP1/Software Distribution Client Client

#: You select the type when you install the program. For details about program installation, see 2. Installing JP1/Software Distribution Manager or 3. Installing JP1/Software Distribution Client in the Setup Guide.

(a) Programs that can be used in the managing server

Basically, the managing server uses JP1/Software Distribution Manager, which is a program for administrators. You can use JP1/Software Distribution Manager to manage the entire JP1/Software Distribution system such as a central server at the headquarters.

You can also position JP1/Software Distribution Client at the top of the system and use it as the managing server. However, compared to using JP1/Software Distribution Manager as the managing server, there are limitations when using JP1/Software Distribution Client in this role, such as the number of clients that can be managed. Therefore, this usage should be employed only in a small system in which only a few dozen clients are to be managed.

For details about the functional differences between JP1/Software Distribution Manager and JP1/Software Distribution Client, see D.1 Functional differences between JP1/Software Distribution Manager and JP1/Software Distribution Client (relay system).

(b) Programs that can be used in a relay manager/system

You can use JP1/Software Distribution Manager (relay manager) or JP1/Software Distribution Client (relay system) for a relay manager/system.

You choose the one you will use during program installation.

Compared to a relay manager, a relay system has limitations, such as on the number of clients that can be managed and the available functions. To manage clients from a relay manager/system in the same manner as when JP1/Software Distribution Manager is used as the managing server, you should use a relay manager. For details about the functional differences between a relay manager and a relay system, see D.1 Functional differences between JP1/Software Distribution Manager and JP1/Software Distribution Client (relay system).

(c) Programs that can be used in a client

Only JP1/Software Distribution Client can be used as a client.