
HA Monitor Cluster Software Messages


The state of Reset Path of Host : aa....aa is abnormal.

Error details :

Reset Path :

An error occurred in the reset path.

aa....aa: Host name Detail code

Detail code



A communications failure occurred.


Information specified during initial setup for the failure management processor by HA Monitor on the host indicated by the host name was erased. One possible cause is that the failure management processor was restarted.


A timeout of the indicated reset path was detected.


The failure management processor failed to reset.


An error occurred in a query to the indicated host.


The managing system name is invalid.


The partition name is invalid.


The number of hosts has exceeded the number that can be controlled.


A power failure occurred on the indicated host.


A reset path connection failed.


If the public cloud environment is not used, a request sent to the failure management processor timed out. Possible causes of the failure are as follows:

  • A problem related to incorrect settings specified for the reset path

  • A problem related to the configuration

  • A problem in the host on which HA Monitor is running

  • A problem in the failure management processor

Each of these possible causes will be explained in detail.

A problem related to incorrect settings specified for the reset path (reset path settings for HA Monitor)

A request sent to the failure management processor timed out, because one of the following settings was specified incorrectly:

- The IP address of the reset path

- The port number of the reset path

- The IP address of the failure management processor

- The port number of the failure management processor

A problem related to incorrect settings specified for the reset path (HA Monitor settings of the failure management processor)

A request sent to the failure management processor timed out, because one of the following settings was specified incorrectly:

- Settings related to communication with HA Monitor, such as the IP address or port number

- If you are using the N+M cold standby linkage function, N+M cold standby settings (settings for all Switch & Management Modules that belong to the same network as HA Monitor's reset path, as well as whether the management system name is duplicated)

- If system is specified for the cpudown operand in the HA Monitor environment settings, whether settings pertaining to the cluster management function of the Switch & Management Module are specified

A problem related to the configuration

A request sent to the failure management processor timed out for one of the following reasons:

- The reset path and the failure management processor are not physically connected (including hardware failures).

- The reset path and the failure management processor are not on the same network.

- The reset path and the failure management processor are unable to communicate, because of a firewall or another reason.

A problem in the host on which HA Monitor is running

A request sent to the failure management processor timed out for one of the following reasons:

- The IP address of the reset path is in a state where it is unusable (for example, it is deactivated)

- The port number of the reset path is in a state where it is unusable (for example, it is being used by something other than HA Monitor)

A problem in the failure management processor

A request sent to the failure management processor timed out for one of the following reasons:

- A hardware-related failure or operational error

- A firmware-related failure or operational error

- HA Monitor Connector is not running, or a failure or operational error related to HA Monitor Connector occurred (for HA8000xN and later models).

If the public cloud environment is used, a request sent to the public cloud environment for the host indicated by the host name timed out. A possible cause of the failure is a failure in the public could environment.


Resetting on the remote host is not possible.


Communication with the VMWare ESXi of the host indicated by the host name failed.


The response from the VMWare ESXi of the host indicated by the host name timed out.


The virtual machine name is invalid.


The virtual machine name was specified more than once.


Reset path initialization failed. Failed reset path

Primary: Primary reset path

ESXi: Reset path for connecting VMware ESXi

----: No reset path (when the public cloud environment is used)


Terminates processing.


Take one of the following actions, as indicated by the detail code:

Detail code

Corrective action


Eliminate the cause of the system call error as indicated by message KAMN601-W, which is output before this message, and then execute the reset path status display command (monrp).


Perform the following procedure to recover the reset path:

  1. On the host indicated by the host name, execute the reset path status display command (monrp). The reset path is initialized.

  2. On all hosts, execute the reset path status display command (monrp), and then verify that the status of the reset path is normal.





These are generally caused by a hardware failure. Eliminate the cause of the error, and then execute the reset path status display command (monrp).


If system is specified for the cpudown operand of the HA Monitor environment settings, carefully review the settings and configuration pertaining to the cluster management function of the Switch & Management Module. Correct any errors you find in the settings or configurations.

If you do not find any errors, a hardware failure might be at fault. Eliminate the cause of the error, and then execute the reset path status display command (monrp).


These are generally caused by reset path setting and configuration errors.

Carefully review the reset path settings and configurations, correct them, and then restart HA Monitor.

For RV3000, possible causes are as follows:

  • If vSphere with the high reliability function added is used, the virtual machine name specified in the reset path settings of HA Monitor is invalid.

  • Either of the following contradictions exists between the reset path settings of HA Monitor and the virtual server settings of HA Monitor Connector:

    - vSphere with the high reliability function added is disabled in the reset path settings of HA Monitor, but the vmware parameter is set to Enable in the virtual server settings of HA Monitor Connector.

    - vSphere with the high reliability function added is enabled in the reset path settings of HA Monitor, but the vmware parameter is set to Disable in the virtual server settings of HA Monitor Connector.



These are generally caused by reset path setting and configuration errors. Carefully review the reset path settings and configurations, and then restart HA Monitor.


These are generally caused by reset path setting and configuration errors. Carefully review the reset path settings and configurations, and then restart HA Monitor.

In the public cloud environment, the message KAMN766-E is output before this message. See the message KAMN766-E and take corrective actions.


Eliminate the cause of the failure, and then perform one of the following operations.

  • If this message was output at HA Monitor startup or while HA Monitor was running:

    If the reset path settings or configuration contained any errors, restart. In other cases, execute the reset path status display command (monrp), and then verify that the status of the reset path is normal.

  • If this message was output when the command for setting the reset path was executed (when the -resetpath option was specified for the mosnetup command):

    Re-execute the command for setting the reset path.

In the public cloud environment, the message KAMN347-E is output after this message. See the message KAMN347-E and take corrective actions.


Carefully review the following:

  • IP address of VMWare ESXi set in HA Monitor

  • Port number for SSH connection to VMWare ESXi set in HA Monitor

  • IP address set in VMWare ESXi

  • Port number for SSH connection set in VMWare ESXi

Correct any errors you find in the HA Monitor settings, and then restart HA Monitor. If you find any errors in the VMWare ESXi settings, correct them, and then execute the reset path status display command (monrp).

If you do not find any errors in any of these settings, a hardware failure or an error in VMWare ESXi might be at fault. Eliminate the cause of the error, and then execute the reset path status display command (monrp).


Carefully review the following:

  • IP address of VMWare ESXi set in HA Monitor

  • Port number for SSH connection to VMWare ESXi set in HA Monitor

  • IP address set in VMWare ESXi

  • Port number for SSH connection set in VMWare ESXi

  • VMware ESXi settings pertaining to SSH connections#

#: Confirm that in the hot-standby switchover configuration, all virtual machines can connect by SSH to all VMware ESXi instances. For more information about the settings pertaining to SSH connections with VMware ESXi, see "Specifying the settings needed for establishing SSH connection with VMware ESXi" in the manual For Linux(R) (x86) Systems HA Monitor Cluster Software.

If this message was output at HA Monitor startup or while HA Monitor was running:

Correct any errors you find in the HA Monitor settings, and then restart HA Monitor. If you find any errors in the VMWare ESXi settings, correct them, and then execute the reset path status display command (monrp).

If you do not find any errors in any of these settings, a hardware failure or an error in VMWare ESXi might be at fault. Eliminate the cause of the error, and then execute the reset path status display command (monrp).

If this still does not resolve the problem, the process might have temporarily slowed down due to reset processing. Wait a while, and then execute the reset path status display command (monrp).

If this message was output when the command for setting the reset path was executed (when the -resetpath option was specified for the mosnetup command):

Correct any errors in the HA Monitor settings or the VMware ESXi settings. If you do not find any errors in these settings, a hardware failure or an error in VMWare ESXi might be the cause. Eliminate the cause of the error, and then execute the command for setting the reset path (by specifying the -resetpath option for the mosnetup command).

If normal status is not restored, contact a system administrator.


Carefully review the following:

  • IP address of VMWare ESXi set in HA Monitor

  • Virtual machine name set in HA Monitor

  • IP address set in VMWare ESXi

  • Name of logical partition in which the local system runs, set in VMWare ESXi

If this message was output at HA Monitor startup or while HA Monitor was running:

Correct any errors you find in the HA Monitor settings, and then restart HA Monitor. If you find any errors in the VMWare ESXi settings, correct them, and then execute the reset path status display command (monrp).

If this message was output when the command for setting the reset path was executed (when the -resetpath option was specified for the mosnetup command):

Correct any errors in the HA Monitor settings. In other cases, execute the command for setting the reset path (by specifying the -resetpath option for the mosnetup command).


Correct the VMWare ESXi and HA Monitor settings so that no virtual machine names are duplicated, and then restart HA Monitor.


If this message was output at HA Monitor startup or while HA Monitor was running:

If message KAMN601-W is output before this message, eliminate the cause of the system call error as indicated by KAMN601-W, and then execute the reset path status display command (monrp).

If message KAMN601-W is not output before this message, carefully review the following:

- IP address of VMware ESXi set in HA Monitor

- Port number for SSH connections to VMware ESXi set in HA Monitor

- IP address set in VMware ESXi

- Port number for SSH connections set in VMware ESXi

- VMware ESXi settings pertaining to SSH connections#

Correct any errors you find in the HA Monitor settings, and then restart HA Monitor. If you find any errors in the VMWare ESXi settings, correct them, and then execute the reset path status display command (monrp).

If this message is output after message KAMN751-I, execute the reset path status display command (monrp).

If this message was output when the command for setting the reset path was executed (when the -resetpath option was specified for the mosnetup command):

If message KAMN601-W is output before this message, eliminate the cause of the system call error as indicated by KAMN601-W, and then execute the command for setting the reset path (by specifying the -resetpath for the mosnetup command).

If message KAMN601-W is not output before this message, carefully review the following:

- IP address of VMWare ESXi set in HA Monitor

- Port number for SSH connections to VMware ESXi set in HA Monitor

- IP address set in VMware ESXi

- Port number for SSH connections set in VMware ESXi

- VMware ESXi settings pertaining to SSH connections#

Correct any errors in the HA Monitor settings or the VMware ESXi settings.

#: Confirm that in the hot-standby switchover configuration, multiple virtual machines can connect by SSH to multiple VMware ESXi instances. For more information about the settings pertaining to SSH connections with VMware ESXi, see "Specifying the settings needed for establishing SSH connection with VMware ESXi" in the manual For Linux(R) (x86) Systems HA Monitor Cluster Software.