
For Linux(R) (x86) Systems HA Monitor Cluster Software

7.5.1 Handling host start errors

This subsection explains how to handle host start errors.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Start errors on the primary system

If the primary system fails to start, the operator must start the secondary system as the active system. In the secondary system, the server starts as a standby server and is placed in the active server start wait state. The operator executes the wait-state server start command (monact command) to start the standby server in the secondary system as the active server. The secondary system becomes the active system because the active server has been started in the secondary system.

After the active system has started and jobs have started, the operator must determine the cause of the start error in the primary system and start the primary system as the standby system.

(2) Start errors on the secondary system

If the secondary system fails to start, there is no effect on the jobs in the active system. However, if a failure occurs in the active system, hot standby processing will not be performed because the standby system is not available. We recommend that you resolve promptly the cause of any failure in the secondary system and start the secondary system as the standby system.