
For Linux(R) (x86) Systems HA Monitor Cluster Software

6.13 Creating server start, termination, and monitoring commands (for the active server)

If a server runs in the monitor mode, you create for it a server start command, a server termination command, and a server monitoring command. Creation of a server start command is mandatory. Creation of server termination and monitoring commands is optional. Note that the server monitoring command does not need to target any UAPs that are monitored by using the monitor-mode program management function.

If you code the processing for multiple programs in the server start, termination, and monitoring commands, you can use those programs as a single server.

Create each command for each server by using a language, such as C language and shell language.


We recommend that you specify the processing in a created command in such a manner that errors can be analyzed (by, for example, outputting logs as needed).

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