
For Linux(R) (x86) Systems HA Monitor Cluster Software

6.10.1 Adding host names and service names

You must add the host names and service names of the TCP/IP LANs that are used as monitoring paths. This information must be added to the following files:

You must also specify these host and service names in the HA Monitor environment settings. This subsection explains examples of the information to be added and the settings in the files. For details about how to add information to the /etc/hosts and /etc/services files, see the OS documentation.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Adding host names

(2) Adding the service names

Specify in the /etc/services file the service names of the TCP/IP LANs that are used for all monitoring paths. The same names must be specified on all hosts in the hot-standby configuration.

For a port number, specify 5001 or a greater value that is not already being used in the system. The same port numbers must be specified on all hosts. For the protocol name, specify udp.

(3) Example of settings in the files

This subsection explains an example of the settings in the following files:

For an example of the file settings that are required for using HA Monitor Extension to change the maximum number of hosts and multicasting alive messages, see (4) Example of file settings (for using HA Monitor Extension and multicasting alive messages).

(a) Monitoring path configuration used in the example

This example assumes that the monitoring paths are configured as shown in the following figure.

Figure 6‒34: Example of monitoring path configuration


(b) Example of settings in the /etc/hosts file

An example of the settings in the /etc/hosts file is shown below. The same settings are specified on hosts 1 and 2.

# IP address       Host name        path11        path12        path21        path22

This example specifies path11 and path12 as the monitoring paths used on host 1 and path21 and path21 as the monitoring paths used on host 2.

(c) Example of settings in the /etc/services file

An example of the settings in the /etc/services file is shown below. The same settings are specified on hosts 1 and 2.

# Service name     Port number/protocol name
HAmon1           7777/udp
HAmon2           7778/udp 

This example uses the two services HAmon1 and HAmon2 to employ dual monitoring paths.

(d) Example of HA Monitor environment settings

An example of the HA Monitor environment settings (/opt/hitachi/HAmon/etc/sysdef) is shown below. The information specified for host 1 differs from that specified for host 2. Note that this example shows only the settings applicable to addition of host and service names.

Example of settings on host 1

   lan     path11:path12,
   lanport HAmon1:HAmon2

Example of settings on host 2

   lan     path21:path22,
   lanport HAmon1:HAmon2

Specify in the lan operand the monitoring path names specified in the /etc/hosts file. Specify in the lanport operand the service names specified in the /etc/services file. Make sure that the values specified in the lan and lanport operands correspond correctly to each other. In this example, path11 and path21 are specified first because these monitoring paths correspond to the service HAmon1.

For details about the lan and lanport operands, see 8.3.1 HA Monitor environment settings (sysdef).

(4) Example of file settings (for using HA Monitor Extension and multicasting alive messages)

This subsection explains examples of the settings in the following files when HA Monitor Extension is used to change the maximum number of hosts and to multicast alive messages:

(a) Monitoring path configuration used in the example

This example assumes that the monitoring paths are configured as shown in the following figure.

Figure 6‒35: Example of monitoring path configuration


(b) Example of settings in the /etc/hosts file

An example of the settings in the /etc/hosts file is shown below. The same settings are specified on hosts 1 and 2.

# IP address       Host name        path11        path12        path21        path22           alive_id

This example specifies path11 and path12 as the monitoring paths used on host 1 and path21 and path21 as the monitoring paths used on host 2.

The example also specifies as the multicast group ID and alive_id as the host name corresponding to this multicast group ID.

(c) Example of settings in the /etc/services file

An example of the settings in the /etc/services file is shown below. The settings specified on hosts 1 and 2 are the same.

# Service name     Port number/protocol name
HAmon1           7777/udp
HAmon2           7778/udp 

This example uses the two services HAmon1 and HAmon2 to employ dual monitoring paths.

(d) Example of HA Monitor environment settings

An example of the HA Monitor environment settings (/opt/hitachi/HAmon/etc/sysdef) is shown below. The information specified for host 1 differs from that specified for host 2. Note that this example shows only the settings applicable to addition of host and service names when HA Monitor Extension is used to multicast alive messages.

Example of settings on host 1

   lan               path11:path12,
   lanport           HAmon1:HAmon2,
   hostmax           33,
   alive_multicast   use,
   multicast_lan     alive_id

Example of settings on host 2

   lan               path21:path22,
   lanport           HAmon1:HAmon2,
   hostmax           33,
   alive_multicast   use,
   multicast_lan     alive_id

Specify in the lan operand the monitoring path names specified in the /etc/hosts file. Specify in the lanport operand the service names specified in the /etc/services file. Make sure that the values specified in the lan and lanport operands correspond correctly to each other. In this example, path11 and path21 are specified first because these monitoring paths correspond to the HAmon1 service.

Specify in the hostmax operand the maximum number of hosts in one hot-standby configuration. Because this example sets the maximum number of hosts to more than 32, alive messages are multicast without having to specify use in the alive_multicast operand.

Specify in the multicast_lan operand alive_id as the host name corresponding to the multicast group ID.

For details about these operands, see 8.3.1 HA Monitor environment settings (sysdef).