
For Linux(R) (x86) Systems HA Monitor Cluster Software

3.5.1 Using a resource server to share shared resources

Normally, you must provide shared resources for each server. If you use a resource server, shared resources can be shared among multiple servers. You use a resource server when the available shared resources are limited.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Configuration using a resource server

A resource server controls shared resources. No program runs in a resource server. You always group a resource server with other servers. When you use a resource server, you can control shared resources for a server group.

The figure below shows a configuration that includes a resource server. In this example, servers 1 and 2 share the same shared disk and alias IP address.

Figure 3‒40: Example of configuration using a resource server


If servers are grouped together to perform grouped-system switchover but no resource server is used, the shared resources are controlled for each server. Therefore, the same shared resources cannot be shared among multiple servers.

(2) Required environment settings

The following environment settings are required in order to use a resource server: